The End

8.5K 61 17

The end of the book has come. I have had a lot of fun writing this book. I hope that everyone that has read it has enjoyed it just as much. Thank you for reading and giving me feedback it means the world. Thank you to the people who voted, those who commented and the ones who sent in requests. I will write a book 2 if people would like another book. I will still be updating my other books everyday. I hope you will follow my journey with my other books. I hope you will supports them as well.

We are nearly at 100k reads. I want to thank you all for that many reads. It really does means a lot. I won't be able to thank you for that when that happens as this is the 200th chapter. Once again thank you all so much for reading my books, it really does mean the world to me.

Edit: Book 2 will be up tomorrow, since a lot of people wanted one!

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