Walking Away In The Middle Of Making Out

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Jin: He would sigh, you had just got him all worked up and for you to leave...he would be slightly annoyed. If you left him hanging for to long the sweet caring Jin would disappear.

"Princess I would come back if I were you."

"Don't leave me hanging!"

Yoongi: When you pulled away and walked back he would tell you to come back. By the sound of it he's not happy. After you getting him all worked up to just walk away he wouldn't be pleased. If I were you I would go back to him or you'll be in for one hell of a punishment.

"I'd come back if I were you." He said as a warning.

"What if I don't?" You asked teasingly.

"I'd punish you in the worst way." He says with a smirk and a wicked look in his eyes. As he watched you gulp and way back he would smirk wider. "That's what I thought."

Hoseok: You came to see him in the practice room. Seeing him covered in sweat and doing what he's passionate about made you smile. You were really proud to where he and the boys have come today. But seeing him covered in sweat turned you on. As if Hoseok could feel your stare he looked at you, slowly walking over, stopping in front of you. Somehow you managed to be sat on top of Hoseok, while he sat on the sofa. You don't remember how this happened. He had his arms wrapped around you, holding you so close to him. You tried to pull away but he just tightens his hold.

"Don't you dare try to leave." He warned, you raised your eyebrow. "If you do, it will be worse for you."

Namjoon: You had been teasing Namjoon all day, getting him worked up, just to leave him. Once he stepped foot into the house he would be all over you. You smirked as an idea came into your mind. Pulling away giving him one last kiss. You fake a yawn and stretch your arms about your head.

"I'm going to head to bed, I'm tired." You tired not to smirk at the sight of Namjoon's face. He was pissed off. You managed to slip out of his hands and ran to the bedroom. It didn't take him long to realise that you had gone. He got up and chased after you. He got a hold on you and threw you on the bed. Not harshly but it made you bounce.

"Now where were we?" He smirked looking at you, as you laid on your back.

Jimin: You do t know how it happened but here you are, pushed up against the bathroom wall, with Jimin on top of you. You pulled away for air, Jimin started kissing down you jaw and towards your neck. A banging sound from the door, broke you two apart.

"Guys come on we need to use the bathroom too, you know." You heard Namjoon voice. You look at Jimin and try to walk towards the door. Only to get pulled back by Jimin.

"Jimin we need to go." He just shook his head. The banging on the door started up again. You sighed and got out of his hold, walking towards the door, opening it it. "Sorry, someone couldn't keep his hands to himself." You say as you walk past Namjoon, only to hear him laugh. You made it to Jimin's room, only to be pushed against the door, shutting it.

"Don't you dare walk away from me again." You look into his eyes. He leaned down to you ear and whispered. "If you do you'll get punished, and it won't be enjoyable for you." He pulled away and smirked as he say you gulp.

Taehyung: At first he knew what you were doing so he would kind of joke about it. You pulled away from him and got up leaving. He gasped.


"You just walked away!"

"I know."

"(Y/N), don't do this to me."

"What are you going to do about it?" You purr.

"Oh, you'll see." He voice got deeper with every word, casing you into the bedroom. But after you get him turned on by misbehaving you better be in the bedroom waiting for him.

Jungkook: It all started out at a innocent game on the Xbox. Neither one of you would think it would end with you on top of Jungkook. But here you are. You could feel him getting worked up. You smirked as an idea popes into your head. Just as you were about to kiss him again, you stood up walking away. Leaving Jungkook confused, it took him a second to realise what you were doing. He groaned in annoyance and look in the direction you went in. It took every ounce of his body not to get angry.

"I get you 5 seconds to get back here!" But no reply came from you. He got up and went to you bedroom, only to find that you weren't there. He heard the water turn on and walked towards the bathroom. There you were in the shower. He smirked as he took of his clothes and walked into the shower. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close to him. Let's just say the hot water wasn't the only reason why it was steamy in there.

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