Seeing You In A Dress For The First Time

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They are your best friend in this.

Jin: Jin's first reaction is going to be to check you out. He gives you a once over and nods. As a man who appreciates looking good and dressing well, Jin is going to be happy and compliment you literally the whole time.
"You look great. We're going to be fighting people off."

Yoongi: Yoongi will joke a little and tease, but overall, he is at a loss for words. One of the guys will be hanging around you, and Yoongi is off to the side, biting down on his lip and trying hard not to do something stupid. Like go over there and keep you close to him all night. All in all, he's going to be happy and pumped to see you in a dress.
"It's totally okay that Y/N and Hoseok are dancing like that. Okay, well, maybe if she wasn't wearing that dress. Okay you know what, I should go over there and stop this now."

Hoseok: He immediately sends you tons of affection. Out of all the guys, he is the one to be your biggest hype man. Hoseok will be by to your side most all of the time, not letting anyone get to close. Hobi will occasionally catch himself staring and blush. He will gush over you and get a bit jealous when the others flirt.
"Did I tell you that you looked nice?"
"Yes, Hobi, at least three times so far."
"Well, you're amazing."

Namjoon: Namjoon wouldn't help the but get hard. It's actually a little embarrassing for him, because Namjoon has never had something like this happen so fast. He will try to hide it, telling you about how you look really nice and stuff, his eyes never leaving yours. He would make sure to keep you close, not letting anyone touch you.
"You look amazing. I'm gonna be right back need to sort something out. But you are not leaving my sight dressed like that."

Jimin: Cheeky, that's all that I have to say. He throws hearts and blows kisses your way the whole time. The flirting game that Jimin has around you? Maxed out to the extreme now that he knows you can dress like that and look so damn good. He wouldn't overstep any boundaries, but he's going to push and pull at them as best as he can, wanting to see just how much he can do.
"It was like...seeing the sun for the first time."
"Jimin, are you saying I'm hot?"

Taehyung: Tae's reaction is intense. Sure, he knows you dress girly and things, it isn't such a surprise, but he oversells it for the point of making you blush. Taehyung will do anything to make you see that you look beautiful, and he would flirt with you a little. It's small things, like a hand brushing against the small of your back or his lips touching your ear when he leans it to whisper to you.
"Seriously though, you're gorgeous and everyone here is jealous because I get to hold you close."

Jungkook: Like some of the other guys, he's gonna mess around with you. "Holy shit, what the hell did you do with Y/N?" "Okay seriously, you look hot, but where is my best friend?" You and the guys make fun of him all night because he's confused beyond belief. Not that he's not aware you can dress like that, dress like that? Out of everyone, he's the most shocked, because Jungkook rarely sees you as anything else but his best friend.

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