How You Met

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Jin: You met at your cafe, you had just closed and Jin was knocking on the door asking you to open it. You told him you were closed but he was getting chased by fans so you let him in. You let him hide in the kitchen where you were working until they all left. He saw that you were baking some treats so he asked if he could help, which you two end up having a food fight.

Yoongi: At a music shop, you were looking for some new CDs when he noticed you, he saw some of his favourite artists in your hand. He wasn't looking where he was going and he bumped into you. He helped you up and you two got talking. You knew who he was but didn't want to say anything. He likes the fact you treat him as Yoongi not Suga from BTS.

Hoseok: In the dance studio, you were practicing a new dance when Hoseok came back because he forgot his phone in the studio. He stopped and watched you. When you had finished he came over and told you that you're a good dancer. From then on you two would meet and dance together.

Namjoon: In a book shop, you had just found a book and was siting in the corner on a rocking chair reading it. The sun was shining through the window hitting your skin, making you look like an angel. He came up to you after seeing what book you were reading as it was his favourite book. You two got talking and you forgot about the book for the rest of the day.

Jimin: You had met at BigHit. Hitman Bang is your uncle so you would often go and see him. When you walked into his office you see BTS all sat around, once they hear the door open they all look at you causing you to blush. They left but one guy caught your eye, you shared eye contact when he left. Later on in that day you bumped into them again which caused you and Jimin to start a conversation, BTS leaving you two alone. You found out that you both had a lot in common.

Taehyung: You met in the park, he had seen you there earlier on in the day on the way to practice. On the way back he walked through the park to see you still sat there. It was getting dark so he walked over to you and asked if you were okay. You had a bad day so he let you rant to him. He cheered you up, you guys were playing around in the park all night. BTS were looking for him as he hadn't come back to the dorm, they go to the park and see him playing with you, they stand with smiles on there face watching you guys as they knew that you both had fallen for each other, right there and then, they walk over and end up joining in.

Jungkook: You met at an amusement park with the rest of BTS. They dared him to go over and talk to you as he thought you was very pretty. He came over and he was acting shy, which made you fall for him. You introduced your friends to BTS and you guys went around the park together. Jungkook never left your side.

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