They Find Out You Self-Harm (M)

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Request for SprinklesNeko
(A/N: Trigger Warning. I am a self-harm victim and it did nothing for me but pain. I've been there so I know how it feels. There are so many different ways to cope instead off inflicting pain to yourself.)

Jin: He would come home from work to a silent apartment, just to find you in your bathroom, placing a blade to your wrist. He'd immediately run over to you and take the blade from your hands before pulling you into his arms and holding you tightly, he would them wrap up your wrist.

Yoongi: He'd hate it. He never hated anything as much as seeing you in such a state. Sat there staring into nothing, you looked so broken. He'd wouldn't be angry at you but more at himself for not noticing. He didn't expect to come home to the sight of you cutting yourself. He'd wrap it up in silence, afterwards he talk to you about it.

Hoseok: When he comes home to you sitting on your bed, sobbing at the blood dripping from your wrists, tears would start to fill his eyes. He'd immediately rush over to your side and place a towel over the cuts. He'd ask you a questions why you did this.

Namjoon: What he didnt expect to see is his girlfriend sat in the kitchen with a knife in her hand and blood dripping. He would immediately rush to you, putting your wrist under the tap carefully washing the blood off. After he had wrapped it he would sit you on the sofa and talk.

Jimin: He would be in shock. Standing in the doorway to your bathroom. He'd be by your side in minutes. He'd be careful not to hurt you. He'd sit with you for hours listing all the reasons why you shouldn't be doing this to yourself.

Taehyung: He'd be angry. Not angry at you but at whoever caused you to take a blade to your skin. He'd pull you into his arms as soon as he got rid of the blade and treated your cuts.

Jungkook: He'd be in tears as soon as he sees you cutting yourself. He'd slowly walk over you, tears streaming down his face and take your hands into his and he'll clean you up. He wouldn't say anything but hug you, crying with you.

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