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—Artemis POV—

'Percy looked very weak. The mischievous spark in his sea green eyes wasn't there. He looked broken. His usual quirky smile and sarcastic attitude weren't there either. He's broken.' I thought to myself.

"The first part will be my blessing." I said.

"Go ahead."

"This will hurt, a lot."

"I have a very high pain tolerance." Percy said with a little laugh. "Part of my soul was lost in Tartarus. I should've been dead long ago."

"How long?" I asked lead Percy into a separate part of the throne room.

"350 years." Percy replied, looking emotionless.

"I am so sorry, Percy." I said to him.

I began to put my blessing on him. He barely flinched from the pain. I did it slowly being careful with his soul. I closed my eyes and finished.

When I opened my eyes, Percy was there. He was no longer bloody but had scars all over him. The deepest in sight seemed to be along his forehead stretching to his mouth. His hair was back to messy blackness.
"Perseus, you are now the guardian of the moon, hunting, and wild animals."
As I said this one of his eyes turned from sea green to crystallized blue, then back.

Percy POV—

I stood there watching in disbelief as all my wounds and scratched slowly closed into scars. I felt a pressure on my chest as Artemis blessed me to be her guardian. It released after she was done. I felt more energy surging through me. I was stronger but emotionless.
"You will be able to turn into a wolf." Artemis was saying. "Simply think of someone you want to protect and you should change."

I thought of Artemis and slowly a pain shot through me. It didn't bother me much but I knew it would be life-threatening if I hadn't already been in Tartarus. My senses sharpened and I looked down to see two midnight black paws. I could feel all the wolves in the world. I could also feel how hurt the wild was. There was only a few places left of true wilderness, after Pan left it was a more threatening matter.

I changed back into human form. Artemis lead me to her palace in Olympus. She snapped her fingers and a waiter came.
"Hello again, Artemis, Perseus." The waiter said.
"Dean, will you go fetch the wardrobe for Perseus?"
As Dean scurried away I looked up at Artemis. "What is it?"
"I'm hoping the clothes will fit you."
"Well I hope the hunters like me." I replied.
"They will I assure you. You will have a mask and armor in the wardrobe." Artemis said.
"Good. I would like to keep my identity a secret if that is okay with you, Artemis."
"It is okay with me, Perseus."
"Also, Artemis." I began. "Would you mind me going and talking to my parents? They must be worried."
"At that they are, they have called camp many times but Chiron refused to send out search groups." Artemis said " Daniel has spread rumors about you and not many of the new campers like you.''
"It is all right as long as we don't have to go there."
Artemis shook her head. "I'm sorry Perseus but the hunters need to regroup and the best place to do that is camp."
"Very well." I replied "I will do it if it is for the hunters. I just ask that I keep on my mask."
"Very well." Artemis said.

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