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—Percy POV—
Artemis and I walked down the hill from camp.
"Once at the bottom I let us travel by moonlight." Artemis said.
"Will it make me weak?"
"No just hold onto me."

We reached the bottom and I linked my hand to Artemis's. I think I was beginning to like this. When I touched Artemis. She seemed so delicate but in reality she was a warrior. She tighten her grip and smirked at me.
"I can still read your thoughts." She laughed and blushed a golden color.
"Oh, yeah I forgot." My face turning hot. I reached to her face and tucked a piece of her long hair back. "Let's go."

Artemis moved through the darkness on a tunnel of moonlight. I followed our hands still linked.
"Woah. This is cool." I said staring down at the city.
"You like it? Once we are bonded by my blessing you can do this by yourself!" She said cheerfully.  "We are coming to the apartment now."

I walked up to the door. Hesitantly I knocked. Artemis had her hand on my shoulder. I was wearing long sleeves though that wouldn't cover the deep scar on my face at least it would cover most. As I turned to look back at Artemis the door opened.
"P-Percy?" It was Paul.
"Hello, Paul." I said "Where's Mom?"
"She's in the kitchen what happened to you?" He said tears in his eyes.
"Tartarus, I'll explain to both of you."
"Oh my god, I can't believe it! It's been 2 years, Percy." He pulled my into a hug. I shuddered and pushed him off.
"Percy?" Paul said looking confused.
"Sorry, he isn't really all that stable. Emotionally and he was kind of just tortured for 300 years." Artemis said stepping between me and Paul.

I walked past Paul and into the kitchen where Mom was sitting with my mortal half sister, Estelle.
"Mom?" I said. She got up and turned around.
"Percy? Oh my god this isn't real!" She said crying. "Are you okay are you hurt?"
"I'm fine just don't touch me, please. I'm not really 'stable' as Artemis puts it."
"Artemis as in? God of hunting, wilderness, and wild animals?" Mom asked.
"Yes, I am the hunters guardian."
"You're what?" Paul walked in tears still streaming down his face.
"He's my guardian." Artemis said walking in behind Paul. "He is guardian of the moon, moonlight and stars, Well he will be after tonight."
"Percy what happened to your face?"
"Oh, let me explain." I said pulling my fingers through my hair.

—Sally POV— (Percy's Mom)

Percy came back. I can't believe it. It has been 2 years. He told us everything about what happened. I now realize how broken he looks. No sarcasm. No twinkle in his beautiful sea green eyes. No little quirky movements because of his ADHD. He sat completely still.

As he went to show us what Daniel did to him. He pulled up his sleeve. Scars were everywhere.
"Percy, I am so sorry." I said "they tortured you! If I could've done anything I would've!"
"It is all fine, Mom" he replied.
"Percy is you whole body covered in scars?"
"Yes." He hung his head down and whispered.
"Percy, let me see." Paul said running his hand through Estelle's hair. Estelle stared up at Percy she hadn't said anything since he got here. I got up and took her to her room.
"Take your shirt off." I said tears rimming my eyes.

His body was horrible. Scars where everywhere. His skin where it was normally a dark tanned color was reddish-pink with welps and scars. He has words scratched onto his skin as well. Down his arm was 'all hero's die'
On his back, down his spine was written 'the forgotten ones' then a bunch of titan and monster names I recognized from my research. I cried a lot while he was here. Artemis tried to comport me since Percy couldn't. Every time I reached for him he flinched away. God if I ever got a hold of a titan, if that could happen I would kill it! Easier said than done of course.

Percy couldn't stay long because he had to go get bonded to Artemis or something. Artemis had told me he would eventually become himself just give him time. She also told me about the one person he didn't. Annabeth. She might've been the reason all this happened, Artemis wasn't for sure. I told them to visit again before I closed the door and turned towards Paul. I cried all night just thinking of what he went through.

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