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—Percy POV—

Artemis, Finn, and me all went back to the throne room after a few hours in the park.
"Son, who is this?" Poseidon shrunk to human form and stepped down.
"Dad, this is Finn." I said pointing toward the now wolf.
"Hi, I'm Finn!" She said turning into a human.
"You two look a lot alike." Aphrodite said excitedly.
"Yes She is connected to me by soul and emotions." I spoke in return. "I can also sense each of your companions. They are each part animal, but can change to human as well. They will look like you and be bonded to you as well. If you would like I can summon them from their Realms."
"I would like that!" Poseidon said smiling.
"Oh, I hope mine likes fashion." Aphrodite squealed.
The gods took a vote and almost everyone wanted their companion.

It took a few hours but with the few I remember summoning they were the big three.

(companion descriptions)

Zeus names his companion Gwyn. Gwyn was a eagle. When he turned human he had black hair with feathers twined into it and electric blue eyes. He was about my height and looked to be around 25.

Hades named his companion Dabria, meaning angel of death. She was a ram. When she turned human she was as tall as Gwyn. She had long black hair with ram horns sticking out of her bangs. Her eyes were a deep black and she had very pale skin.

Finally there was Poseidon, his companion was a bull when he changed to human he looked a lot like me. I noticed all the Companions were about the same height. He was named Conway, with sea green eyes and shaggy black hair.

(conclusion lol)

"Thank you, my boy." Poseidon beamed. "Your work as a god has been greatly appreciated! You are free to come and visit anytime you would like!"

I thanked him and me and Artemis left. We meet up with the hunt and went to a remote part of the woods to set up camp.
"You should get some sleep my moon." Artemis said.
"I know but I will awake with nightmares of my torture." I replied sighing.
"You may sleep with me." Artemis said yawning. I somehow ended up with Artemis dragging me into her tent. When I finally went to sleep nightmares followed.

~time skip~

In the morning I was awoke from the worst nightmare. Kronos was talking to me. He wants me to join his army. I disagreed with him and then I awoke. He would never get me to join his army I thought.

Today we had a lot to do. We needed to find a place to set up camp for a few months and then we could start fighting monsters again.

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