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—Percy POV—

"Perseus." I corrected her. "Guardian of the moon, hunting, and the wilderness."
"Why." Annabeth said a tear slipping down. "Percy you were so young, and- and"
"Perseus, and for your information I'm an 350 years older now." Annabeth gaped at me, wide eyed.
"Time runs differently in Tartarus." Nico said " two years could be 2 millennia's."
"You were in Tartarus? And you didn't try to get help."
"Oh. I tried but with your "boyfriend" spreading rumors that I joined Krono's army not many people like me." I shouted.
"But." Annabeth started.
"I'm not in control of my emotions yet, so please leave before I get angrier than I already am."
"I'm not going to leave you ever again Per-"
"If you don't say Perseus I swear on-"
"Percy, please."

With that I walked away. I pulled my sleeves up looking at the scars of where Kronos scratched into me kronos when I forgot i needed to get my mask. I walked back toward the arena.
"Percy," Nico said "your arm!"
Annabeth just stared.
"What? Would you like to see the rest? Or is there another reason your staring?" I asked eyeing annabeth.
"N-" I pulled my shirt off revealing all the whip marks, scratches, and bruises that had yet to heal. Along with every name of the titans and others who visited to torture me. The forgotten ones. Was scratched along my spine.
"The forgotten ones?" Nico asked, Annabeth still looking at me.
She reached out and tried to touch me. I growled back but that didn't stop her. I hissed as she touched the small of my back on my Achilles spot.
"Stop, please." I said between my clenched teeth.
"Why? Does it sting when you think of me?''
Gods Why was she so arrogant? Why did I like her in the first place?

I whipped around and brought myself onto her pressing riptide to her throat. Her breath hitched as I cut in deeper with my sword. She released an agonizing scream, a stream of blood trailing down her collar. Soon the whole camp had gathered, including the hunters, but not before I could whip my shirt back on covering the scars.
"What is the meaning of this?" Chiron asked galloping up to the scene. I stood with riptide in my right hand. Annabeth's shoulder in my left.
Everyone's voices hushed as they saw me without my mask on. I stood not loosening my grip on either hands in case someone tried to attach me.
"So it's true?" Chiron asked " Your working for Kronos?"
"Yeah, no" I replied with no emotion. "I am Perseus Jackson, guardian of the moon, hunting, and the wilderness."
"But, Daniel said-" Chiron began.

I stared straight at Daniel. I gave him a calm smile. Daniel is the reason I went to Olympus to ask to die. The campers hushed again. "I wanted nothing more in life than to be with Annabeth, my friends, and be here at camp. I haven't seen my parents, yet but soon I will then I will leave this camp with the hunters."

Annabeth took her free hand and lifted up my shirt. Revealing the words scratched onto me I am now your god. I pushed her off of me as Chiron came forward.
"Lift your shirt." I did as he said and took my shirt off. My back once again bare for all the campers to read and gaze at. Broken. All heroes die. Kronos. And many more. I walked towards Artemis and dropped the mask in her hands. I walked towards the exit of the arena. Trying to turn into a wolf. Nothing happened.
"Why isn't this thing working?'' I asked
"It's daytime, Perseus."
"Oh." I replied clenching my fists. "Very well, I will be in the cabin or maybe in the woods, who knows."
"Perseus, wait!" It was Nico. "I will ask my dad to do everything he can to hurt the creatures in Tartarus."
"Thank you Nico but I am fine!"
"Perseus, or Percy, your literally shaking. You are about to pa-"

I saw blackness cloud my eyes, then I fell on my shoulder.

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