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( there has been a short time skip of a few months to where Percy has to go back to Camp Half-Blood. Sorry xx )

Artemis POV
I told Perseus last night, he got a little mad but eventually calmed himself down. He didn't like when I tried to help him with his emotions so I When he left to take a walk I didn't follow. I was laying down getting ready to sleep when he finally showed back up.
"I am so sorry my moon." He said. "I will promise not to hurt anyone."
"We have the annual capture the flag game, so do not make such silly promises!" I giggled as he layer beside me. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me.
"Goodnight, my moon." He mumbled already almost asleep.
"Goodnight." I replied kissing his cheek.

Percy POV
In the morning most hunters were already awake. Thalia came in and shook me awake.
"Wake up, Kelpface." She said while still skating me. "We have some demigod butts to whoop tonight at capture the flag."
Thalia still shaking me I mumbled, "Okay, okay, I'm awake."
I looked over and noticed Artemis was already awake. I got up and walked around the borders finding Delilah and Finn. Fun changed into human.
"Hey!" She called out as I called.
"Hey, we are heading out today for camp. You are welcome to stay here with Delilah. Or if her pack doesn't mind she can travel with us."
"She said her pack doesn't mind her coming with us."
"Okay well come back to where we set up camp so we can get ready to leave."
"How are we leaving?"
"I think Artemis was going to ask Apollo to carry us to camp."

The three of us hurried back to camp where we saw Apollo and all the campers waiting.
"Delilah will be coming along." I said.
"Very well." Artemis replied.

~mini time skip~
We finally made it to camp. Delilah and Finn had fallen asleep so I just carried them into the Hunters Cabin. I went to leave to head to dinner when I saw Delilah's eyes open.

Hey there, we are at camp now! Want me to wake Finn and we can get some dinner.

That would be great! She nudged at Finn with her snout until Finn peaked one eye open.

Hey we are going to head to the dinner hall to eat.

What are we eating? Finn asked.

Whatever you would like!

Ooh! Rabbit! Delilah yipped.

We walked down to join the rest of the hunters at the table. I sat next to Artemis and took her hand. She kissed my cheek, at the Athena table Annabeth muttered something like 'eww'. I gave her a threatening look and she shrunk back. I had spaghetti to eat. While Delilah had rabbit, Finn couldn't decide between steak or rabbit so her and Delilah shared each other's.

The Poseidon table was empty and I didn't see Daniel anywhere. After this I was going to go train a bit then it would be time for the game. It would be 3 separate teams; the hunters and half of the camp split up by cabin.

~mini time skip~ (sorry for all the time skips)

I was at the training arena when Nico di Angelo walked in.
"Percy!" He shouted. He was followed by someone with blonde hair.
"Who's he?" I said pointing out the boy out.
"Oh this.. this is Will." He mumbled. "We are kinda dating."
"Congrats!" I called.
"Well, hello Will, I'm Perseus Jackson." I said.
"Aren't you like a god now?" He asked.
"Yeah. I am, and Nico I need to show you something after the games."

I continued to train until Nico asked to fight. I agreed and we began. I sidestepped his sword and disarmed him. Then I tackled him and held Riptide to his throat.
"You win." He said.
"Obviously!" I said hello him up.
"Who's team you on?"
"The one that Athena's not. Everyone has been avoiding Annabeth since the truth about Daniel got out." Nico said. At that I laughed.
"What?" Will asked.
"Notice the scars?" I asked.
Will nodded as I continued. "I got them from being tortured in Tartarus because Daniel made rumors about me which got me kicked out of camp. So I became a guardian for the hunters."
"Can I be on your team?" Nico asked.
"Why not?" I answered.
"Yeah I don't really want to play tonight."
"You can watch along with Delilah and Finn."
"Who and who?" He asked.
"Oh, Finn is my companion and Delilah is her wolf pup friend. They traveled here with the rest of the hunters."
"Yeah I guess I will. Then after we can go where ever you want to show me."

I trained for a few more minutes after Nico and Will left. The horn rang out over camp and I rushed to get to the edge of the forest where the game was being held.

Haha! Cliffhanger... I'm working on the next chapter now it will be about the game!

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