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Percy POV

"Percy help me!" My mom shouted from one of the cells in Tartarus. I had been running around the holding cells trying to find her when I finally spotted my mom I used the last bit of energy I could and sprinted.
I was lightheaded, the air in this place had gotten to me.
"Mom are you okay?"
All of a sudden her eyes turned golden.
"Kronos!" I exclaimed turning to trap Riptide.
"Soon." He replied.
I woke up with a start. Will was in front of me.
"Percy, Your awake! Annabeth is gonna be mad she wasn't here!"
"Wait, Annabeth?"
"Your girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow.
I looked over to see Nico asleep in a chair. The skull ring on his finger seemed different. Was it always gold?
A sudden jolt hit me.
"Kronos." I muttered.
"Yes you remebered?" Will asked seeming cautious.
"What happened?" I had a splitting headache and I felt weaker than usual.
"Percy, you were taken into Tartarus. And they t-"
"They tortured you." Annabeth finished. Her long golden hair- golden? It was the same color as Nico's ring, as well as my moms eyes. "Soon." Nico muttered in his sleep. He opened his eyes. The normal darkness was gone. Replaced by gold.


When I woke it was already morning. I had stayed the night in Artemis's tent. I looked over , happy to not be in Tartarus again and saw red hair peeking out from under the blanket we were sharing. I watched her for awhile, her breathe was even which meant she was asleep. Her long hair was a mess, surrounding her face. Soon enough her breathe quickened and she rolled towards me. Her eyes glaring into mine.
"Good morning, Perce." She muttered.
"Good morning, M'lady." I replied moving the stray hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear.
She kissed me on the cheek and quickly moved to my lips. The kiss deepened as Artemis pressed into me.
"Sorry to interrupt." Annabeth shouted walking into the tent. There was something off. She sounded different.
"You should be." Artemis whispered out of earshot from Annabeth.
I tried to compress a laugh but it didn't work. I grinned and Artemis playfully punched my arm.
"I heard that." Annabeth smirked.
"Okay What is it?" I said pushing Artemis onto my lap.
"All the hunters ran off because the borders were destroyed." She laughed.
"Wait a se-" her eyes flashed gold and then a crack split into the ground.
"Not again!" I shouted as the world around me collapsed into darkness.

This book is gonna be on hold for a bit. I'm not really feeling inspired rn. I am working on a new book called 'This is Life.' So check it out!

' So check it out!

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