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—Percy POV—

I was running out of Tartarus. Yes I was finally free. Free to go home! To see Mom and Paul, to be a normal kid again.
I've been running for ages when will it stop?
Oh, no. Kronos is behind me.
Time started to slow as I turned around to face Kronos. He brought out a sword, as did I.
"Perseus." He said, strange because it sounded like Artemis, god of the hunt.

—Artemis POV—

Percy had been screaming, he sounded terrified. He woke up all the girls so I told them to go on to breakfast.
I shook him.
"Perseus." I said. He stopped screaming. "Perseus" I said again.

He shot up a tear rolling down his eye. "Kronos. Tartarus?" He began. "Where am-"

I held him and he hugged me tight. "Was I screaming?" He asked me.
"Yes, my moon."
"Oh sorry. Did I wake the girls?"
He sounded hurt so I lied. "No, you didn't the breakfast horn did." I said soothing him. "I told them to go ahead and I would wake you."
"Do we leave today?"
"Yes, Perseus, would you like to see your mom and Paul?"
"I would enjoy that," he said "when do we leave?"
"after training" I replied.
"Great." Perseus said scowling.

Are you sure your okay?

Yes I am. I was just hoping that Daniel will not be a bother.

He talks a lot differently. Like he's seen the world. Although I miss the old way he talked I do very much love it now!To think of it he has seen most of the world, but only the worst parts.

"You know I can hear you too?" Perseus said, the corner of his lip tugged into a grin.

"Do you fell like training today?" I asked him.
"As long as that underworld scum isn't there, I will be at the arena after lunch awaiting our leave."

—Percy POV—

I missed some of breakfast but it was okay. As soon as me and Artemis got done talking I went to my bag and grabbed a new long sleeve with pants and converse. I slipped on my clothes and ran my fingers through my hair. As I walked out Artemis had been waiting so we walked to the pavilion together to have breakfast.

I reached the hunters table and sat on the end. A wind spirit brought out a empty plate and a glass of clear liquid. I thought of my mom and took a sip. It tasted of her cookies. I wasn't feeling to hungry after I finished drinking so I just pushed my plate away.
"Improvement." Artemis said, "now at least you are drinking without someone forcing you!"
I gave her a small grin. Maybe my emotions were coming back. I mean I was happy right now. Everything was great, besides being at the place that abandoned you, but other than that being with my new family, I felt happy.

"Ah, Percy Jackson." Someone said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrunk back the only person who had touched me was Artemis. So when someone else did I kind of freaked.

I jumped at the touch and turned to be face to face with Daniel. "Annabeth said you were one of the best demigods, want to put it to the test?"
"Umm, what do you mean?" I asked taking my seat again, with all the hunters staring angrily at Daniel.
"I mean let's duel. 1v1 at the arena after lunch."
"Okay. Sure. I'm out of practice anyways, after being in Tartarus for so long."


After lunch I just went back o the caving and slept until I heard the lunch horn. I jerked up while all the campers were leaving. Thalia was waking me up so I decided to walk with her.

"Are you really going to fight Daniel?"
"Yeah." Thalia looked at me, pleading with her eyes. "I can fight you know, I'm not hurt anymore."
"Just be careful."
"Daniels the one who better watch out."

We sat down still talking about the fight. Until Chiron has to meek an announcement.
"Today after practicing in the arena the hunters will depart."
"Finally!" A kid from Ares cabin yelled out. I looked over toward the table, hoping to see Clarisse. I didn't see her.
"Looking for Clarisse?" Nico said coming up to me. "She went out to find a kids of Ares. Hoping to bring her in tonight."
"Oh thanks."
"Yeah, beat Daniel for me!" He continued, "I have a mission to do for dear old dad. bye."
"Bye." I said, waving to Nico as he shadow traveled away.

—After Lunch—

It was after lunch and the horn screamed out. Indicating it was time for practice in the arena. I walked alongside Artemis.
"You will be able to get the second half of my blessing and fully become a guardian after you see your parents." I gazed at her. "After this you will need to go into my realm and find your companion."
"Realm?" I asked.
"Yes, Perseus, the Realm of Moonlight, but some call it the Realm of the Universe. It contains all the hunters who have passed onto the stars."
"Percy Jackson are you ready?" Daniel approached smirking, as we walked into the arena.
"Perseus, I bid you the best of luck, although you mustn't need it." Artemis said, before leaving to join the rest of the hunters who had sat down on the outskirts of the arena.
"Yeah. What are we going to?"
"Death." Daniel said.
"That's a bit impossible, I'm immortal."
"Well until we can go no more." He said raiding an eyebrow. "You are not as strong as you used to be, nor special."

We lined up and took our stances. I calculated his moves in my head. He would go for offense because he thought he was stronger. So I would block, then lash out.

One of the hunters counted down. "3, 2, 1, fight!"
He jabbed at me and I blocked it with Riptide. It was metal against metal, he let his guard down from his face. I took the hilt of my sword, blocking his swing with my arm. A jagged cut formed over many scars ripping a hole in my sleeve. He was to distracted by the way I block and kept his guard down. My hilt slammed into his face. His nose cracked under the pressure. When he clenched his nose. I kicked him hard in the stomach causing him to collapse and pass out.

The hunters cheered, and everyone asked me how I blocked his sword with my arm. I had already forgotten about that before I looked at it again. It was turning my sleeve red. I rolled my sleeve up and saw the cut. It was turning yellow and purple at the edges.
"He used poison." I shouted. "His sword!"
"Perseus, are you okay?"
"He was going to kill me!" I shouted. Artemis came up and wrapped my arm with a gauze.
"Calm down, my moon. Take a deep breathe." She said wrapping a arm around me. "You are not dead, nor will the poison affect you. It just needs to be wrapped up and heal in its own."

I walked back to the cabin in silence. All the hunters wanted to stay until dinner. Honestly I didn't, but I wanted to make sure they were happy so I stayed. As soon as dinner was done the hunters would pack up and leave, while me and Artemis would head to New York and find my Mom and Paul.

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