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Percy POV
I stopped between two buildings. I saw Annabeth, she was approaching the alleyway I was hidden in. I turned my head to look on last time before she stopped.
"That's all you got?"
"No now we travel on moonlight."
Night had fallen which meant we needed to hurry back to camp so I could check the protections on it. The fasten way back was moonlight. I made a gesture with my fingers and a beam of silver light flashed up between the two buildings. I stepped through motioning for Annabeth to follow.

Annabeth POV
I was tired but I wasn't going to let Percy know that. He was a coward. He wouldn't fight in human form so he changed to wolf. He shouldn't be a god either. Why would the gods ever turn-
Percy interrupted my thoughts by creating a beam of moonlight. He stepped through and I followed.
I dropped to the ground on the other side. I felt sick and nauseated. Percy was trying to hide a smirk. Gods I hate him.
A girl that looked Percy's age came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She had long red hair. She looked at me and I stared back. Her eyes were as silver as the moon. She slowly unattached from Percy and looked at Percy with worry.
Percy stared back. "But it's the rules, isn't it?"
"I suppose." They whispered back and forth.
"Annabeth Chase, Do you choose to take the path to become a maiden of the hunt?" Artemis's blinked at me.
"I do, Lady Artemis."
She stepped closer and but her hand onto my forehead. My head ached from whatever kind of traveling Percy just pulled me through, but the pain subsided. Replaced with a new burning sensation. Artemis pulled her hand back and admired her work. In the reflection of her eyes I could see a small silver owl on my forehead. It slowly disappeared replaced by the silence of nightfall.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll see ya tomorrow!

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