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Welp... I'm back so enjoy!

Percy POV
I ran up to the group of hunters, slowly turning back into human form.
"Plans?" Thalia asked, a gleam in her eyes.
"I can tell your gonna enjoy this." I laughed.
"Okay hunters! We are going for the offense, defense plan. Last year was just offense but I think that game is getting all too old."
"I call offense. Thalia can help too!" I called.
"Okay, four hunters will go in groups and surround each border when you hear Percy howl, go. None of the other campers know of Perseus being able to change forms, so we can use this to our advantage."

With our plans we ran and sat up. Our flag was by the stream so if anything I could come back to defense and wash the attacker's away. I ran with Thalia. We were the only group of two. We would scout out our opponents then report back.
I found the red Athena flag but stayed back. I told Thalia to report back and I would grab the flag and be behind her. I quickly change into a wolf. It didn't phase any of the Athena campers and their allies. I slowly stumbled along the path to thief flag. Some campers were giving me weird looks until I reached the flag. I stared up at the campers and made a low growl in my throat. They back off a little bit, then I turned into my human form.
"Hey, chase him!"
"Was he just a wolf?"
"He's a god what'd you expect?"
"Just catch him!"
Is all I heard from the camps chasing me. I ran past the stream into our territory. Chiron blew the horn, "Red team is out!" He called.
I howled and everyone came back to where our flag was. I heard screaming. I still hadn't seen Thalia so I assumed it was her, I took off towards the blue team. I saw them dragging Thalia along, I quickly turned into a wolf and ran towards them. Once I got in a range I slowed and started circling them, growling.
One of the red team yelled out "The black wolf of Percy!"
The other campers got the message and released Thalia coming towards me. When the dropped her she took off for their unguarded flag. When she grabbed it and ran back past me, I kept the campers distracted as Thalia crosses the creek.
The final horn blew. All the hunters ran to form a big group. We all cheered and threw the flags in the air. We all agreed to celebrate that night, but first I had something to show Nico.

Soooo Sorry I couldn't get this chapter up yesterday! My keyboard broke so I couldn't type.

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