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—Percy POV—

After the visit with my mom and Paul, we headed to the Empire State Building. I walked up the the front desk.
"600th floor." I said the the person behind the counter.
"No demigods, sorry Perseus Jackson." They said.
"I'm Artemis, he's with me." Artemis cut in. The lady looked reluctant to give up the key but when she did we got into the elevator and headed for Olympus.

"Ah. Son, back so soon?" Poseidon said as I walked into the throne room.
"I'm here to fully become the hunts guardian."
"That's great! Good luck."

"Perseus when you are a full guardian you will be considered a minor god. You will be the god of Realms and Companions, as well as the guardian of hunting, wild animals, and wilderness. Your spirit is bonded with the wolf. You are the alpha to all packs so just call and they will help." Artemis explained as we walked toward the realm of moonlight. I took a step into the Realm and clasped Artemis's hand.
"Percy you will also have a choice about your mate. It must be one of us from the hunt."
"Then it shall be you, my moon." I replied blushing a bit.

We approached what Artemis had called the altar. I would have to go into the black water and battle against it for it to purify my soul. Easy... if I hadn't been deathly afraid of the water. When I was in Tartarus, and was about to die they would heal me with water. I haven't been near the water since. I should've been dead more than a dozen times.

I put my hand in. There was a lot of pressure but soon enough I was submerged. The pressure was there but as always I wasn't wet.

Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, Guardian of the Hunt, Guardian to Artemis, God of Realms and Companions, Guardian to Hunting, Wilderness, and Wildlife.

You must purify the water using your soul and memories. Think of good times you've had with long forgotten friendships. Think of beautiful times in your life. The people you love and care about.

The voice was coming from no where, no direction. I couldn't sense anyone either. Weird I thought.

I began to think of times before I thought I was a demigod.

Think of times while you knew you were a demigod.

I thought of all the good times I had at camp. Slowly the water turned gray. I thought of Grover, who was currently traveling the world fulfilling what Pan had set out for him to do. I thought of Artemis, how kind she has been to me. The water was turning into a light gray.

There were so many memories, but most included her. I thought about one where the stoll brothers threw us into a lake at camp. A smile formed on my face.

Very good, young one. I now present you Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, Guardian of the Hunt, Guardian to Artemis, God of Realms and Companions, Guardian to Hunting, Wilderness, and Wildlife.

I stepped out of the altar to be greeted by a pack of wolves.

Hello, is this your pack? I asked the biggest wolf.

Yes, I am Gerardo, Alfa of this pack, but we are your pack as well as all the other wolves in the world. Welcome, my lord. The wolf replied.

I changed into wolf-form and howled with the rest of the pack. Wolves emerged from the forest that surrounded us.

Hello my lord they all greeted me.

We howled and I played with the pups, until Artemis came and told me it was time to go.
"We have business to do, now that you are a god, my moon."
I changed back into my human form. I was immortal now which means I would be stuck looking young forever. I was only a minor god so I couldn't change my physical age now. I didn't mind though.

We walked out of the Moonlight Realm. I could now sense where all wolves were in the world as well as Realms and how much true wilderness was left. Wolves resided all around the world. It eased me knowing there was going to be someone there for me now.

"I'm proud of you son!" Poseidon shouted. "MY son, a GOD."
Everyone cheered out. A new addition to the gods family.
"The fates always have a way." Aphrodite said.
"What do you mean?"
"You said that Artemis would be your mate." The god said giggling.
"Maybe I did." I said color forming in my cheeks.
"Well kiss."
I looked towards Artemis, her cheeks turning golden.
"May I?" I asked.

—Artemis POV—

Perseus turned to me and said 2 words.
May I?
He had a spark in his eyes, maybe this was his way to recovery. His way back to humanity. He arched on of his brows waiting for an answer. My face felt hot as I replied. "Yes."

He met my lips first then we synced in a motion. It was quick but I was blushing really hard. The gods all chuckled and giggled. Especially Aphrodite. Percy looked back at me his face red. He blinked and his eyes turned a crystal grayish blue color. He blinked again and it was gone. A sign his soul was really healing.

We left the throne room, and walked to a nearby park in Olympus. Percy sat down and leaned on a tree.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked
"You, my moon." He replied. I sat beside him and took his hand. He leaned his head onto mine. We were face to face, I could feel his breath. His normal ocean smell had mixed with nature.
"Are you going to smell like a wet dog now?" I teased.
"I hope not." He replied grinning a bit. He pulled me into another kiss. I could feel his grin against my mouth. He pulled away and looked down at his hands.
"Do I have anymore powers?"
"Yes, you can summon moonlight." I replied. "Like this." I showed him.

He did the same thing and where the usual moonlit beam was supposed to be, was a white beam of starlight.
"Starlight." I said "Do your other hand."
He did as I said. "And moonlight."
"What does that mean?"
"You have both starlight and moonlight."
"Oh, cool."

I zapped him with a spark of moonlight.
"Hey, that hurt!" He shouted. I laughed and zapped him again in the middle of his forehead.
"Hey!" He growled.
"You do not the least bit scare me, my moon." I said still laughing.
He sparked up some starlight and zapped me back.
"Ow!" I yelped.
"That's what you get." He tackled me back to the ground. I struggled to get out from under him. Zapping him with moonlight. He summoned back starlight and moonlight in his hands and held my arms in place.
"Okay, okay I give up!" I said pulling him into a hug.

A dark blue mist surrounded us.
"What is this?" Perseus asked.
"Your companion." I said.
The most flared into the air a few inches above him and a black and gray wolf pup fell from the sky.

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