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Percy POV—

Me and Artemis walked into camp half-blood. The hunters had gathered into there cabin. It was at night and none of the campers were awake so they decided to get some rest.
"Hello hunters, this is our new guardian." Artemis said. "Of moon, hunting, and wilderness."
"What's his name." One of the hunters asked.
"Pe-" I put a hand over her mouth.
"My name is P for now."
"Take off your mask!" A hunter no older than seven screamed from the back.
"I will but you must not scream or tell anyone!'' I replied reaching for the mask.
"We swear on the River Styx." The hunters said in unison.

I lifted the mask, I looked at Thalia through it and then pulled it free.
"Percy?" Thalia cried out.
"Keep it down." I said with no emotion.
"Oh my gods, Percy where have you been?"
"Tartarus." I simply replied.
"For two years? And the camp didn't even lift a finger? I swear I'm-"
"Thalia, calm down, there will be no killing anyone on this trip." Artemis chimed in.
"Percy your face and arms." Thalia said.

The rest of the hunters looked at me strangely. The older ones seemed to know who I was, but the younger ones stared in confusion. I told Thalia the same story I told the gods and then the hunters went to sleep. I knew if I fell asleep I would probably have nightmares and wake up the whole camp. So I went out and turned into a wolf, I serveyed the woods making sure nothing harmful was there. There wasn't. Then I sat by a tree and stared up at the moon howling. Other wolves joined in too.

By morning I was still out with the wolves. We neared the cabins and emerged from the woods. Artemis ran up to me. Along with the hunters.
"Were you out all night?''
I shook my head yes still in wolf form.
"Change back."
I stood up as I changed into my human form, still wearing the mask. "We all know if I went to sleep I would wake the whole camp in the middle of a nightmare." I stared at Artemis.
"Very well, I suppose." Artemis said " but you need to sleep, you are still very weak."

A horn blew indicating breakfast.
"Breakfast?'' I asked, knowing I wouldn't eat anything.
"Hunters, go to breakfast if you would like." Artemis shouted.

I sat down at the end of the hunters table. Everyone's eyes shifted from me to the hunters. Probably wondering what a guy was doing at their table even though my face was masked. "Hello, Thalia!" A girl with blonde curly hair walked up.
"Please do not, not after what you did-" I hushed Thalia by putting a finger to my mouth. She caught on and continued with Annabeth. "Sorry, what's up?"
"Well Daniel invited me to the dock after breakfast for our anniversary and I was wondering if you'd like to come and we can catch up."
At the name of Daniel I stood up and walked away. Not letting my anger rule me. I walked straight into the training arena.
"Who are you?" Nico asked.
"Percy." I said.
"Good one but I've searched for Percy almost everyday and no sight of him." Nico replied eyeing me with is sword in hand.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out riptide. The pen was tattered with but other than that the blade was fine. I removed my mask and sat it down on the table.
"Oh my Gods, it is you?" Nico exclaimed.
"Yeah," I said explaining the rest of the story. "I couldn't take seeing Annabeth so I figured I'd take my anger out in training."

"Nico!" A voice called from the door. I reached to put my mask back on. "Thalia's back and I was- wait why is he here?"
"Not Everything has a reason, now does it, Annabeth? Or at least not a logical one." I replied snapping at her.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"You are the one who took my fatal flaw from me, Loyalty." I said under the mask, clenching my fists.
"Calm down." Nico said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"What's wrong with him?" Annabeth asked stepping towards me.

I took a step back and growled. 'Do not come near me' I looked down hearing the noise and realized I was in wolf form. I changed back quickly. My mask falling off as I did.

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