Meeting the Dwarves

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It was the next evening that Bilbo and Violet sat down together. Violet had the fish they bought made I to argaret was going to be their seventh and final meal for the day. Mr. Baggins and Ms. Greenhill almost ate their food when the sound of the bell. They both looked at each other. When Bilbo opened the door, it was a dwarf with a dark-green hood. He was very bold and had many scars from the battles he won or was in.

"Dwalin," the unexpected dwarf said and bowed, "At your service."

Hm. yours," Bilbo said awkwardly.

The dwarf looked at the Hobbit skeptically before stepping in side.

"Do we know each other?" Bilbo asked.

Dwalin answered: "No."

He took off his coat.

"Which way, laddie? Is it down here?" Dwalin asked.

"Is...Is what down where?" Bilbo asked.

"Supper," Dwalin answered and he thrusted his cloak into Bilbo's arms."He said there'd be food, and lots of it."

"He...he said? Who said?"

Bilbo gave Dwalin is supper instead. Violet met him, and he mistook her as Mrs. Baggins and not Miss Greenhill. She didn't even eat when Dwalin started his plate. All she did was have the food in her spoon and didn't take a bite.

"Very good this. Any more?" Dwalin asked.

" What? Uh...oh...uh yes, yes." Bilbo went over to the container of biscuits and helped himself to the jar, put it behind his back. Violet took one herself and Bilbo showed some of it to Dwalin.

"Help yourself." Bilbo offered.

The dwarf scarfed it down probably without chewing it.

"It's just that, um, we weren't  expecting company," Bilbo said. The door bell rung. Dwalin looked at Bilbo with one look.

"That'll be the door," Dwalin said.

Bilbo went to answer it t-o Balin, Dwalin's older brother.

"Balin. At your service." the dwarf said.

"Good evening," Bilbo said.

"Yes. Yes, it is. Although I think it might rain later. Am I late?"

"Late...for what?" Bilbo asked confused

When Balin saw his brother by Bungo and Belladonnas portraits, he started chuckling. Dwalin smiled when he saw his brother.

"Evening, brother!" Balin laughed.

" By my beard! You are shorter and wider than last we met," Dwalin chuckled.

"Wider, not shorter. Sharp enough for both of us," Balin said.

They bashed their heads in with each other.

"Uh...excuse me. Sorry. I hate to interrupt. Uh...but the thing is I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house," Bilbo said. They were ignoring him. "It's not that I don't like visitors. I...I like visitors as much as the next hobbit. But I do like to know them before they come visiting. The thing is, um...The thing is, I don't...I don't know either of you, not in the slightest. I don't mean to be blunt, but I uh...but I had to speak my mind. I'm sorry."

The 'lin brothers looked at the Hobbit, and Balin answered: Apology accepted."

"Oh, no. Fill it up now, brother, don't stint," Balin said.

"You want to get stuck in?

Balin entered the kitchen or the dining table where Violet was. She froze when they came in.

"Well, Gandalf never told us that Master Baggins was Mr. Baggins, Balin laughed as he sat next to her. " Quite a beauty you have their Mr. Baggins .A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Baggins.

"We're not married!" the Hobbits said together.

Violet said, "Mrs. Baggins was my friend's mother.

"Well, my mistake. Well, then what is your name then?"

"No, I'm Violet, Violet Greenhill at your service," Violet said. She reached out a hand and Balin assumed she was just shaking hands with him.

Violet quickly followed Bilbo and appeared at his side. These dwarves were clearly not going to stop. She thought both the young dwarves were a little attractive.

"Fíli," the blonde said.

"And Kíli." the brunette said. Both of them bowed with an "At your service" and looked at the hobbits.

"You must be Mr. Boggins and Miss Greenhill," Kíli said with a smile on his face.

"No! You can't come in, you've come to the wrong house," Bilbo said, close to closing the door until Kíli's foot got in the way and he opened th edoor more.

"What?! Has it been canceled?" Kíli said, disappointed.

"No one told us," Fíli said, also disappointed

"Can..." Bilbo said, confused. "No, nothing's been cancelled."

"That's a relief." Kíli said with happiness in his voice and the both fo them invaded Bilbo's and Violet's home. Fíli, meanwhile was throwing his weapons on Bilbo.

"Careful with these, I just had them sharpened." Fíli told Bilbo.

"It's nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?" Kíli asked, and about to rub the mud off his boots on Belladonna's chest.

"That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?!" Bilbo demanded.

Violet gave him a towel.

"Better than using a dusty old chest," Violet explained to him.

"Thank you, Miss Greenhill, " Kíli said and took the mud off of his boots and threw it to the side. Violet sighed and ignored it, going into the kitchen.

"Fíli, Kíli, come on, give us a hand," Dwalin told the youngsters who just came through Bilbo's and Violet's door.

"Mr. Dwalin." Kíli said.

"Let's shove this in the hole, or otherwise we'll never get everyone in," Balin said. Bilbo caught this and Violet stopped her work and looked out.

"Ev...everyone?!" Bilbo stammered. "How many more are there?"

The bell was heard and Bilbo thought this was the final straw.

"Oh, no! No, no. There's nobody home!" Bilbo shouted. "Go away, and bother somebody else! There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is."

"Bilbo!" Violet said as she went next to him, "don't you think you should be easy on them."

"No Violet! This is the final straw!" Bilbo shouted. He grasped the door's handle. "If...if this is some blockhead's idea of a joke, I can only say, it is in very poor taste!"

The door opened and dwarves fell onto the mat. Cue the mastermind behind this all (literally when Gandalf popped his head down.

"Gandalf," Bilbo said, finally annoyed.

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