Chapter 15: Out of the Frying Pan

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Violet gets back up, takes Orcbane with her and slashing at the other goblins. The Great Goblin was about to hit Nori with his club.

"Nori!" Dori cried for his brother. Thorin lunged forward, stopping the Goblin King from his attack. The Goblin fell into the chasms.

Violet was cornered later on. She looked back at the Goblins attacking her. She brought up her sword.

This is Orcbane. And you will fear its name." Violet threatened, and the Goblins shouted and laughed.

That little thing!" The Goblins laughed. They were laughing at Violet but also her short sword. She took her sword and stabbed a goblin in the shoulder. The goblin screamed.

"It was an elvish blade," it said before dying.

More of them came and Violet had to use all her strength. All of the sudden, Thorin came to defend Violet by taking his sword and slashing at all of them. Violet now realized that he was protecting her. Both of them went back to back with each other and Violet mostly was killing the ones coming from the other direction. One was coming behind Thorin, so Violet took her sword and stabbed it in its lower abdomen. Thorin turned and saw her brave deed.

You saved me," Thorin said taken aback.

We can celebrate later, Master Oakenshield, Violet said.

"More are coming."

"Follow me. Quick! Run!" Gandalf shouted.

"Go on, I'm right behind you," Thorin told his ally.

The two of them continued to fight as the goblins continued to attack them. More were coming to the right.

"Post!" Dwalin shouted. "Charge!"

The several of the dwarves took a long post with a point at it and started holding it in front of them like a spear. Goblins are in fact falling as the dwarves attacked them. Violet and Thorin were on their own. Then she was stabbed in the shoulder. There was a non-poisonous sword that hit Violet's shoulder, but not mortally wounding her. Thorin sees her stabbed and took his sword, stabbing the goblin that stabbed her.

"Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not! I've been stabbed! Violet shouted.

The Dwarf lord ripped fabric off his tunic. he took the shoulder of her jacket and then her and bound her shoulder, tying it really tightly. Violet did not need assistance in being carried over Thorin's shoulder. She was fighting really well, despite being wounded in the shoulder.

Cut the ropes!" Thorin demanded. Violet and Dwalin and several others of them, cut it. Kíli was being shot at, but every time an arrow attempted to hit him, the Dwarf prince blocked them with his sword, took a ladder to attack them better with, choking them. Kili dropped the ladder, allowing some of them to cross the bridge and Dwalin broke it off before others followed them.

"Jump!" Thorin shouted at his followers, almost about to grab Violet's armpit."

"No need. I've jumped a swinging bridge before when I was fifteen years old and chasing Bilbo because he stole my earrings," Violet said. She sheathed her sword, lunged foreword until Nori and Kili caught her and she nodded at them thankfully. Other dwarves jumped and made it while all of them were fighting and killing Goblins until the Great Goblin busted out finally coming out. The others fell back.

"You thought you could escape me?" the Great Goblin sneered and knocked Gandalf off his feet and the dwarves caught him before he fell. "What are you going to do now, wizard?"

He hit the Goblin King in the eye and on his stomach, a wound.

"That will do it," the Goblin said before the Grey Wizard took his sword and slashed his throat. It was too much of an impact. The bridge started collapsing and all of the members hung on for dear life. Óin was looking terrified with his eyes opening up. Violet actually clung onto a dwarf (later identified to be Fíli, who had been acting like a big brother to her lately). She rolled from the bridge when it fell.

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