Chapter 12: A Family Madness

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Unlike their Companions, Bilbo and Violet were actually enjoying the view of Rivendell. However, they were doing it separately because they needed time alone. One sight was a painting with some men fighting. Then in the black-armored man's finger was one golden ring, and Bilbo was intrigued by the ring more. After more traveling, there was beauty everywhere and birds flying by.

Then, he was alone on the balcony, enjoying the summer breeze, not even journey."

"Indeed? I've heard that Hobbits are very resilient." Elrond said something that Bilbo never expected. He looked at the Lord of Rivendell in surprise.

"Really?" They were silent until Elrond spoke again.

"I've also heard they're fond of the comforts of home."

Bilbo whispered, "I've heard that it's unwise to seek the council of Elves, that they will only answer with 'Yes' and 'No'."

Elrond looked skeptically at Bilbo. Mister Baggins was at first insecure of himself, and then Elrond smiled again. This action caused Bilbo to chuckle. Elrond places his hand on Bilbo's shoulder before leaving, and offering, "You are very welcome to stay here, if that is your wish."

Then, he left, leaving Bilbo to ponder a while.

"The kitchens are under enormous strain, we are almost out of wine," Lindir complained to Elrond while they walked alone. "How long do you think they will be with us?"

"That has yet to be decided," the Rivendell Lord answered.

The air in the breeze actually had Violet have chills appear on her arms. The most terrifying thing she saw on this quest this bad were the dwarves were nude.

"OH MY VALAR!" she screamed.

The dwarves were now ashamed at her looking at them. She quickly ran out of the fountain area. Then Lord Elrond appeared.

"So sorry, I—I saw the unexpected. And did not look where I was going," Violet said.

"I am sorry that I can't control your companions' actions, Miss Greenhill," Elrond said.

"So am I," Violet agreed.

The Elven lord smiled at her and pet her on the shoulder.

"You're a fine soul, dear Violet. You remind me of your mother."

He touched her shoulder lightly before turning and walking away. She thought of it for a moment, but then Bilbo came into mind, deciding to search for him. Instead she would find Thorin watching her. She didn't even know he was there until he spoke.

"So will you take his offer?" Thorin wondered.

"Do I have to answer?" she asked.

"Yes, Miss Greenhill, it is," the dwarf said, towering over her (since towering over her was the only way to talk with him in her personal space).


"That's not an answer."

"No, I'm not going to. If you'd think that Bilbo and I would leave each other behind, it would never happen. He won't ever abandon me. We're like family, and family never abandons family."

"Then let's hope he never does stay without you, or think about it," Thorin said. "Good day, Miss Violet."

"Good day," Violet said skeptically before walking away.

Bilbo still was exploring Rivendell from the afternoon into the evening. Then, he stopped on the staircase. Bilbo heard Elrond and Gandalf talking as they walked. Bilbo was curious and stopped to look and watch them. Bilbo made sure that no one else would see him eavesdrop. He didn't mean to eavesdrop (or maybe he did) and listened to them speak.

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