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April 24, TA 2940

Bree... On the borders of the Shire

One year ago, in the city of Bree a human city on the border of the Shire, it was a very stormy night. The rain raged on, leaving the climate to become hot and mild. A short figure cloaked with heavy weapons carried on his back. He trudged through the muddy road. The rain was beating down on him harder than it had been all night, finding the nearest inn to take shelter. This dark tall figure was Thorin Oakenshield. He passed several unsavory characters. Most of them were men while the others were humans, but also residential hobbits.

No one was enjoying the rain, not even the children playing in it. Thorin, as he passed by a man with carrots, then several others who looked like businessmen. As soon as he reached the nearest, inn, he looked back at the people. To make sure no one was watching him. Partially, his hidden face came out of his very damp cloak. The reason he came down to Bree was he was looking for his father after hearing reports that Thráin had been seen on the borders of Dunland. However, Thorin never found him, nor any sign Thráin was ever there. It was just another hoax like all of Thráin's reported sightings.

Instead of brooding as always when he grabbed a table, Thorin sat down for once for a somewhat quiet evening. However, it still wasn't that very peaceful for all the people laughing, most likely those who only dated a woman, or a man once and never saw them again. They were mostly drunk, form all the wine or ale they had just had. Thorin didn't want to get drunk. Not tonight anyways. But he did take his pipe and started smoking at the table.

"Watch it!" the girl snapped, holding a tankard of ale and food, but was still upset by the man bumping into her. She told Thorin as she put down his things.

"Ah, thank you," Thorin said giving her a smile.

Before he could actually get a good meal in his stomach, he glanced on either side of him. There were two men watching him, with murderous glares in their eyes. They advanced towards him when Thorin reached out for his sword...

However, a fabric of grey flashed before Thorin's eyes. He knew who this man was: Gandalf the Grey, a wizard who was one of the few people to see Thráin last alive before the Battle of Moria.

"Mind if I join you?" the wizard asked. Thorin didn't take no for an answer. He sighed in relief and relaxed his hand from his sword, Deathless. The two men backed away from both of them, back into their chairs. He caught the sleeve of a passing serving girl. "I'll have the same." Thorin glared at the old man. "I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey."

"I know who you are." Thorin Oakenshield said coolly, at first not looking at him

"Well now, this is a fine chance," Gandalf said with a small laugh. "What brings Thorin Oakenshield to Bree?"

"I received word that my Father had been seen wandering the wilds near Dunland. I went looking, found no sign of him."

Sorrow entered Gandalf's face at the sound of his old friend's name.

"Oh, Thráin," Gandalf said sadly.

Thorin realized something: he was just like the other doubters. The people who doubted Thráin was alive. The people who doubted that he ever survived the battle. His eyes went cold.

"You're like the others," Thorin hissed. "You think he is dead."

"I was not at the Battle of Moria." Gandalf said

"No," Thorin said, and the battle was coming back to him, hearing the screams of his kin fighting in battle. "But I was."

My grandfather, Thrór, was slain.

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