Chapter 7: Members Number 14 and 15

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Everyone else was happy and surprised they had a fifteenth member of the company over a number of fourteen. They were two more extra hobbits, but Violet was Gandalf's guest in this.

"Give them a pony," Thorin snapped before having his horse walk.

"No, no, no, no. That...that won't be necessary," Bilbo started to babble on about. "Thank you. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. Yeah, I... I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frog Morton once."

He screamed when Fíli and Kili snuck up behind Bilbo and lifted him off the ground and on a sweet pony named Myrtle. Bilbo's hand offered down to Violet as she climbed on behind him and put her arms around Bilbo's waist with their packs tied down to Myrtle's back. Then the two of them noticed most of the dwarves threw sacks of gold around.

"Come on, Nori! Pay up!" Óin called to Nori, who threw the money to his dwarf opponent.

"What's that about?" Bilbo asked.

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't," Gandalf explained. And those who did bet that Violet would come with him. So, two bets were made."

"Gambling," Violet muttered. "And what did you think?"

"Well..." Gandalf said. He caught a bag of money, proving the answer to Violet's question. He chuckled, "My dear girl, I never doubted you two for a second."

Then Bilbo suddenly sneezed. Violet forgot that he was allergic to horses.

"Oh, it's horse hair. Having a reaction," Bilbo said as he searched for his handkerchief. "Uh...wait, wait. Stop! Stop! We have to turn around."

"Bilbo what on earth is the matter?" Violet asked him.

"I forgot my handkerchief." Bilbo answered. Violet smacked her own face.

"Here! Use this." Bofur said throwing a piece of cloth from his tunic. Bilbo looked at it in disgust. Violet's face crunched up a bit at the smell of it.

"Move on!" Thorin called and the journey continued.

"You'll have to manage without pocket handkerchiefs, and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end," Gandalf told Bilbo later on while Violet had fallen asleep and Bilbo switched places with her, holding his lady friend with in his arms and her sleeping on his left shoulder. "You and Violet Greenhill were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire. Home is now behind you, the world is ahead.

Early evening, Violet was carrying firewood back from the woods. When nightfall came, and everyone was fed, Violet stood as she leaned against the wall.

"I didn't realize how small you were, Miss Greenhill," KÍLI commented. She turned to him.

"I will have you know that I am approximately 4'3 feet tall," she snapped.

"Still small in the eyes of men," Fíli chuckled.

"Quite tall for a hobbit, thank you Master Fíli," Violet snapped in a whisper, trying not to wake up the entire company.

Bilbo could not sleep after hearing Bombur's snores. Instead he stretched and went to the pony he and Violet shared.

"Hello, girl. Good girl! Here's a good girl," Bilbo cooed Myrtle and pet her snout as he snuck her an apple after making sure no one was looking. She ate it as Bilbo continued to pet her. "It's our little secret, Myrtle. Just tell no one. Shh-shh..."

Bilbo smiled at her until he heard a scream out in the night.

"What was that?" Bilbo asked worriedly.

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