Chapter 16: And into the Fire

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There was a silence for a while, but Bilbo saw the blue cloth in the collar of Violet's coat

"Whoa, how did you get the wound on your shoulder," Bilbo asked her.

"It's just a minor wound," Violet said. "Seriously, are you going to tell me—"

Violet's question was cut off by the sound of howling.

Great, not this again, Violet sneered.

"Out of the frying pan," Thorin said.

" And into the fire," Gandalf added. "Run. Run!"

It was literally the end for Thorin and Company. Wargs coming and attacking them. Violet screamed when one jumped in front of her and Bilbo. He quickly took out his sword and stabbed it on the roof of its mouth, impaling it until it was dead. Bilbo's eyes widen in horror. It was the first creature that Bilbo ever killed.

"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, Violet climb!"

Gandalf shouted at the hobbits. Bilbo struggled to get the sword out of the warg.

"Bilbo come on!" Violet shouted.

"Go without me!" Bilbo shouted back at her.

She ignored him and pushed the blade with all her might with him. They looked around and the dwarves were already in trees. Bilbo boosted Vi up and she reached out her hand to him and the two hobbits made there way up to the top of the tree.

Unknown to the dwarves, the hobbits, and the wargs and Orcs, Gandalf used his staff to get a butterfly. Thorin Oakenshield noticed a white flash and a pale orc. He brought down a branch. Violet could of sworn she heard him.

"Azog Thorin said in shock.

"I thought Thorin said he was dead," Violet whispered to Bilbo in horror. Apparently he was wrong.

The mortal enemies met once again.

"Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it," Azog said. "Thorin son of Thráin."

Then Azog commanded something I dare not to say. Our Miss Greenhill was squealing when she felt the tree starting to timber. They jumped each tree that almost tumbled until all sixteen of them were trapped in the same tree. Gandalf stuck a pinecone between his fingers and started to light it on fire with his staff.

"Fíli! Gandalf called to the dwarf below. He caught the next pine cone after Gandalf threw it. Fíli shared the fire with Bilbo. Most of them were throwing some. Violet, taking lots of points before when she was littler, threw it good, but not as good as a man but better than an average female. They were cheering before their cheering turned into cries of terror as the last tree caved in and fell down. Kili was currently panicking and keeping a grudge on the branch.

"Kili, hold on," Violet shouted, and grabbed onto him.

She was laying on the fiery strong branch. She almost screamed when she saw Dori and Ori hanging on for dear life on Gandalf's staff. Bilbo watched Thorin as he rose from the flamable branch and running to his death. Now the Dwarf was the White Warg's chew toy. Bilbo would not stand by and watch Thorin die. He carefuly got up and swiftly took out his sword as the Orc was about to behead Thorin. Almost about to make a strike, Bilbo tackled the Orc, knocking him and itbon the floor. He continued to slash at it until the Orc was dead. That was the last memory Thorin saw before he passed out.

That was the final stand as Dwalin, Fíli, Kili and Violet rushed in to protect Thorin and Bilbo. Violet took Orcbane and slashed at Azog's white wolf and managed to stab it in one eye, leaving it blind.

"That's for the Line of Durin!" Violet shouted at Azog.

"And this is for my future family!" She raised it and scarred the White Warg again. That was when the Eagles came, attackign whatever they came for. They were saving Dori and Ori who fell from the sky. Violet looked above and an eagle came towards her. She felt the talons bring her up and onto the back of another one. They were saved from Azog the Defiler.

The eagles flew around the horizon and everyone was tired out by last night's turn of events. Half of the company were concerned about Thorin when he did not wake up.

"Thorin!" Gandalf shouted once he, Thorin, Bilbo Violet and the Company were on the Carrock. The wizard knelt down to the Dwarf king. "Thorin?" Underneath his breath, Gandalf whispered something in a language to revive Thorin, which responded in his eyes flashing back and forth.

"It's alright," Gandalf assured Thorin. "Bilbo is here, he's quite safe."

Kili and Dwalin helped Thorin get back up. He later shrugged them off and Bilbo was relaxed when he saw Thorin awake and alright.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin shouted at Bilbo. "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild, and you had no place amongst us." Then Thorin's expression went from anger to relief. "I have never been so wrong, in all my life."

Thorin went to embrace Bilbo, much to his shock. Bilbo was at first Thorin back. Most of them were cheering as they hugged and Violet smiled. Thorin looked him over for wounds, seeing Bilbo was fine and then looked to Violet.

"And you Miss Greenhill," Thorin said. He said nothing before hugging her too. I'm sorry I doubted you both."

"No, W...we would have doubted us too," Bilbo said, causing everyone, even Violet to chuckle. "I'm not a hero, nor a warrior. Not even a burglar."

"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked as he looked to the mountain.

"Erebor! The Lonely Mountain. The last of the Great Dwarf Kingdoms of Middle-earth," Gandalf explained when they were at the end of the cliff.

"Our home," Thorin said.

"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin said once everyone saw the thrush fly over them.

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf corrected him.

"Well we'll take it as a sign, a good omen," Thorin said as he looked at his hobbit friends.

"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us," Bilbo said and smiled as the sun rose behind them. One thing for certain was dragons did not like being awoken from their sleep.

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