~ Plane ~

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Your POV

I drummed my fingers on the desk I had pulled out of the chair in front of me. This time I had let my right hand guide itself into whatever it wanted to draw.

(Y/B/F) glanced over at my sketchbook. "(Y/N)?"


"That's a really nice drawing of Mettaton. I really like it," she told you honestly.

"What draw--" I was about to ask, but looked at what I had drawn unintentionally. It wasn't a bad drawing... It was fabulous, actually! I had ended up drawing Mettaton. "Oh! I'm obviously just excited."

"Right you are to be!" (Y/B/F) reflected. "Mettaton is the greatest monster celebrity to ever live! Er, I mean the only monster celebrity to ever live," she added with a giggle.

I giggled, too. "I really wish that he could see my drawings, though he probably will be too busy for with other fans and whatnot," I mumbled gloomily.

My bestie set her hand on my shoulder like she did whenever I felt sad. "Don't think like that! You gotta stay determined!"

I grinned and moved her hand off of my shoulder. "I will. I shall stay filled with determination!" (Sorry not sorry) I announced, letting out a laugh that she returned.

For the next couple hours I was enhancing the drawing. Soon it had line art, then slowly but surely gained some color, and then I finished it off by adding shading and some shine to it.

By the time I signed it, I looked over my shoulder to see that (Y/B/F) was asleep on some pillow she brought.

I hesitated while I was about to put my sketchbook away. Why did I even bother to make art for him? Oh, right. He's my idol. Why? I HAVE NO FLIPPING IDEA.

But I remembered that two years ago, I saw him on the news and instantly got obsessed with his design, and I was drawing him left and right. I don't even remember where half of the drawings went. It's not like it mattered, though. I had so many.

He did improve my art style though, because at that point I was constantly making improvements with my drawings. Which I suppose was an upside.

And here I was, finally seeing him first-hand! I was so excited I couldn't sit still. I grinned and stuffed the sketchbook in my backpack once again, pulling out my phone and a pair of (F/C) earbuds.

Putting them in my right ear and my non-existent left ear, I scrolled through my music until I found what I was looking for:

I tapped my index finger on the armrest to the beat of the music, humming the tune. I had listened to this song way too much, probably. But who cares? No one, that's who.

~¤🎧 After the plane ride 🎧¤~

The rest of the ride was pretty boring. But I had managed to finish two self portraits! Why? I have no clue. Don't judge my life, okay?!

I unbuckled my seatbelt and sprang out of my seat the moment the voice overhead told us that we could now leave. I shook (Y/B/F) awake, hung my backpack on my shoulder, and pretty much dragged the half asleep girl out of the plane.

I will admit, I may be getting a little too excited. But that's besides the point.

I called up an Uber driver, and he was here in under three minutes. The two of us grabbed our luggage and stepped inside the car. "The closest hotel, please!" I requested.

He nodded and began driving. I glanced at (Y/B/F), who was obviously exhausted and jet-lagged. I was as well, but I didn't show it. And anyway, my tiredness had almost melted off due to my mood.

When we had arrived, I paid the driver and took our bags out of his car before he drove off into the distance. (Y/B/F) held an expression of utter disbelief.

"What is it?" I asked her.

She pointed a finger at the hotel in front of us. I turned my gaze upwards and saw what she was pointing at, and matched her facial expression.

"Oh brother. I'm not paying for this," I told her quickly before turning around.

She grabbed my arm. "Wait a minute. This is the MTT Hotel, (Y/N)."

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now