~ Uncomfortable ~

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Your POV

I almost fainted right then and there. My thoughts should have involved more fan-girling, but my only thoughts were:

Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh...

I panicked and felt sweat dripping down my forehead. "U-uh, h-hello, Mettaton?" I greeted, but it ended up sounding more like a question.

"Dear, you should really learn your way around," he remarked.

My arms held the sketchbook tighter to my chest, even though I should be showing him my fan art, not keeping it from him. So I gathered all of my courage and determination and opened it to the page with the art I drew on the plane. "I-I d-drew this!" I said kind of loudly, unable to control the volume of my voice.

He looked it over and held a finger to his mouth, smiling. "Wow, I've never seen art this good of me, darling," he commented.

My shoulders, which were tense before, relaxed. "R-really?"

"Of course, dear! I love it!" Mettaton told me, clapping his gloved hands together.

"Well I have a few more of you, actually..." I said shyly while blushing, flipping the page to my previous drawing of him.

He grinned and glanced at me. "I have a great fan!"

I blushed even more. "Y-you think s-so?"

The glamorous robot nodded vigorously and took the sketchbook from me, intrusively flipping through the pages. He saw how full of Mettaton drawings my sketchbook was and it looked like he blushed, if that's even possible.

My determination raised highly. "I'm probably weird. I draw you too much," I admitted, rubbing my skeletal left arm that was covered with the sleeve of my dress.

Mettaton shut the sketchbook and handed it to me meekly. "Darling, have you seen a young kid about this tall, short brown hair, personality so calm and so determined that they let the entire monster population above ground?"

"O-oh, you mean Frisk? No, I haven't seen them. Why?" I questioned.

"They were going to be on my talk show," Mettaton sighed synthetically. "I've been looking for the little dear. Maybe they won't show up."

"Stay filled with determination!" I managed a smile even though on the inside I was completely dying because I was still talking to my flipping idol.

Then he did something I never thought he'd do.

He smiled back!

I almost fainted at that moment but managed to keep my cool. On the outside at least. Mostly. Okay, no. I was a mess. Sweating, completely red, shaking, and stuttering like an idiot.

I cleared my throat. "W-well, nice to m-meet you, Mettaton."

He laughed. Well at least it sounded like a laugh, though it was probably a recording since he was indeed a robot. "Sweetheart, we haven't met if I don't know your name."

"I-I uh... I-I'm (Y/N)..." I stuttered. Wow, I am such a great conversationist. Except it wasn't completely that bad since I didn't stutter on my name... No? Okay.

Mettaton grabbed my hand and shook it before I could process what was happening. "Well then, nice to meet you too, darling."

He waved and strutted off, calling Frisk's name, his pink stiletto heels echoing in the distance.

I don't even know. My face grew bright red and even more sweat dripped off of my face and the palms of my hands. Well then!

When I knew he was gone and couldn't hear me I squealed and sprinted down the hallway, hoping to find someone to get me directions to the place where the show was going to be hosted.

Mettaton's POV (Finally!)

I sighed heavily and kept calling Frisk. Of course the darling never came. I then noticed the time. Oh my, I didn't notice that I only had thirty minutes until the show!

I shook my head and turned the other direction, sprinting to my dressing room. I plugged my charger in while some worker of mine began to fix my makeup and hair. I didn't know why, though. I thought I looked fabulous.

Soon it was time to go out. I nodded to the worker and once she released me I rose to my feet and walked onto the stage. I was greeted by screams, monsters calling my name, and things like "Look, it's Mettaton! He's the greatest!" and "I love you Mettaton! Can I get your autograph?"

I love being famous.

I smiled, waved, and sat on the pink, black, and gray chair set out for me. I settled myself comfortably and folded my hands. I still hadn't seen Frisk tonight so I decided that I was just going to wing it.

"Greetings, beauties and gentlebeauties! Tonight is a great night. Guess who is going to be starring on the talk show with me?"

A bunch of monsters shouted out random names but none of them were right. I held my head high. "Nice guesses. The correct answer is..." I hesitated a moment before scanning the crowd. Then I saw (Y/N) darling in the front. "(Y/N) the glamorous artist."

I plastered a smile on my face and set my gaze on her to see her in a state of complete horror.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now