~ Party ~

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Your POV

I climbed into the limousine after (Y/B/F), my emotions a mix of fear and excitement. But mostly fear. Gosh, why me? Why not (Y/B/F) instead?! Or someone else more deserving? I'm a half skeleton for crying out loud...

Mettaton came in on my other side, rubbing his hands together. "Well, this will be fun, darlings! My friends will find you to be fabulous!"

I scratched my right arm. "Y-you think so?"

"Sure, dear!" Mettaton replied.

(Y/B/F) giggled at the blush crawling up my face. I punched her playfully in the arm and she burst out laughing.

"Something funny, darling?" the humanoid robot asked.

I waved my hands in front of (Y/B/F)'s face and she ceased her laughter, taking a deep breath. "No, nothing in particular," she replied, allowing me to keep my dignity.

I mouthed a 'thank you,' which she responded to with a nod.

The rest of the ride there we were all completely silent, until Mettaton sang, "We're here!"

He swung open the door and held it open for me. I smiled thankfully and stepped out, (Y/B/F) following.

She playfully nudged me and pointed at the dreamy look on Mettaton's face. My gosh, what is with him and making me fall in love with him? Gah, play it cool. Don't wanna end up heartbroken.

Instead I rolled my eyes and smiled, ignoring her whispering, "Someone's got a crush~!"

Mettaton brushed past us, casually entering the simple but classy house. I shrugged and trailed behind him, grinning at the anticipation.

Inside, a group of monsters were sitting on a few couches. The yellow lizard smiled awkwardly. "O-oh, w-welcome back, M-Metta," she said.

The blue fish wrapped her arm around her, making her go red. I guessed that they were dating.

"Hello, Alphys, darling!" Mettaton greeted, waving his gloved hand.

"HI, METTATON. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM VERY GLAD TO SEE YOU AFTER THE SHOW!" one of the skeletons shouted, who you could guess was Papyrus.

(Y/B/F) leaned close to me and whispered in my ear. "Yo, who's the hot skeleton?" she questioned under her breath, which made me struggle to suppress laughter. Wow, I could not see the two of them together. Well, yes, I could, but it's odd.

And I could see me and Mettaton together?

Yeah, I don't know which one is more incompatible.

Mettaton gestured to the two of us. "This dear here is the fabulous (Y/N), and this is her friend..."


"Ah, her friend (Y/B/F)." He smiled, and began pointing at the monsters in turn. "This is Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, and Toriel."

Sans held out his hand for me to shake. I was about to shake it, but Mettaton whispered, "It has a whoopie cushion in it."

I sighed and pulled my hand away, to see Sans looking kind of disappointed. "hmm. smart, i guess," he said.

Papyrus glanced at (Y/B/F) staring at him. "HELLO, HUMAN. NICE TO MEET YOU!"

My bestie waved and looked like she was going to faint. I smirked and sat her down next to him. Maybe not so bad, actually. I was beginning to see it, I suppose.

Toriel's face held a calm expression. "Ah, it is always wonderful to meet new humans," she said, but then caught a look at the nonexistent skin on the entire left side of my body. "I mean... mostly humans."

Mettaton made a pose. "Glamorous! Now that we are acquainted, we may start party activities!"

Undyne grinned at Alphys who blushed, leaning into her. Those two were adorable. Now time to begin matchmaking with the others. Toriel and Sans? Oh, heck no. Definitely not. Well, there was always the incest option... Actually, no. Let's not do that.

Alright, so there's a few options other than that. So not including the gay or lesbian choices, the only possible couples were: (Y/B/F) and Papyrus, (Y/B/F) and Sans, (Y/B/F) and Mettaton, me and Papyrus, me and Sans, and... me and Mettaton.

Not entirely terrible choices, but now that I look at it, the ones I want the most would be (Y/B/F) and Papyrus, and me and Mettaton. Sans would have to stay single unless he takes an interest in Toriel which is just no.

I hadn't realized that I had been in my thoughts for so long, because the moment I snapped back into reality, Mettaton was rushing into the room while holding a variety of board games.

Welp, this night will last forever.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now