~ Disputes ~

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Your POV

I yawned and stretched. Mettaton popped into the room and sat next to me. "So, darling, so far it's only around 11:30. How late do humans usually stay up on sleepovers? I've never been to one," he said.

I blinked. "It's 11:30 already?"

He nodded his metallic head.

I fidgeted with my hair, draping it over my left eyesocket. "Well, on sleepovers, I usually stay up until as late as I can, which is probably around two in the morning before I pass out due to exhaustion," I replied.

The rest of the monsters came into the room as well, and I could tell that they were also pretty tired.

"Should we watch a movie?" (Y/B/F) suggested.

"What kind of movie genre did you want?" I questioned.

"Action!" Undyne exclaimed.

"comedy!" Sans tried.

"Romance!" Mettaton shouted.

"Horror," (Y/B/F) said.

"Kid appropriate," Toriel added.

I sighed. "Well, we aren't going to agree, are we?"

"NOPE!" Papyrus shook his head.

"Alright, start suggesting TV shows we can binge-watch," I told them instead.

"Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!" Alphys yelled, obviously excited about that show that I've never heard of. I assumed it was an anime, because, well... Alphys.

"Steven Universe!" Mettaton answered.

"Gravity Falls?" (Y/B/F) suggested.

"Teen Titans!" Undyne said.

"Spongebob Squarepants?" Toriel spoke.

I slapped my forehead and stood up. "Forget it! Let's just... go to sleep," I sighed.

"Are you sure, darling? We still have time to fit in something," Mettaton told me, frowning.

I sat back down and took a deep breath. "Okay, and what do you suggest we do?"

I saw everyone open their mouths at once, and I held up my hand immediately before anyone could say anything. "One at a time. (Y/B/F), what do you want to do?"

"Watch a movie."

"Well, we can't agree on that. NEXT! Alphys," I replied.

"L-let's watch Mew Mew--"

I cut her off before she could continue. "That's a no. Mettaton, go."

Mettaton thought for a moment. "I have a few more games?"

"Like what?" I asked, hoping that he had actual good ones.

"Video games," he explained.

"Go on."

"I have Minecraft," he started, which made my eyes light up, "Plants vs Zombies, Terraria,  and Peggle 2 on the Xbox One, and on the Wii U I also have Minecraft, Just Dance 2017, Pokken Tournament, and a few others."

I grinned. "Yes! That's perfect. Let's do a dance competition on Just Dance!" I announced.

With that, Toriel left the room again. "No, thanks. I'll just go to my room and go to sleep."

"Well, good night," I said, disappointed. To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing Toriel dance.

~¤ Time skip brought to you by Toriel's lack of participation ¤~

I collapsed on the couch, panting. "Jeez, Mettaton. I didn't know you were this good at Just Dance," I managed to choke out, dropping the controller in Sans' hand.

"You can just call me Metta, you know. That's what my friends call me," he told me, handing his controller to Papyrus.

I kept trying to catch my breath, because 1. that was completely exhausting, and because 2. that was completely embarrassing.

Forget that, though. I checked my smartwatch and ignored the fact that we have been playing this for over two hours. Wait, what? I checked again and yes, it was in fact 2:21 in the morning.

"Hey, guys... I think we should go to sleep soon..." I told everyone.

Mettaton nodded. "Yes, it's pretty late, dearies. I have guest rooms for all of you." Then he looked at me and (Y/B/F), who had recently dominated in a dance-off with Undyne. "Except for you two... Well, I do have an extra guest room, but there's only one bed..."

I frowned. "Oh..."

"And as a human, you both need sleep, so I suppose you'll have to sleep in the same bed," Mettaton continued.

"Oh..." (Y/B/F) frowned back.

Then everyone broke up and headed for their rooms, while only Mettaton, (Y/B/F) and I lingered. "I can lead you to your room," he offered, taking the bags he had brought from the hotel.

"Sure," (Y/B/F) and I said in unison, following the glitter robot to where we would be staying for the night.

Mettaton set our suitcases on the floor of a small white room, the color of innocence. Like he said, there was a single queen sized bed in the middle of the room, a closet on the left wall, and a vanity against the right wall.

I smiled at Metta and sat on the left side of the golden bed, trailing my hand along the fabric of the comforter. (Y/B/F) did the same, except she sat on the right.

"Well, sleep well," Metta said, blowing me a kiss FOR SOME ODD REASON, which made (Y/B/F) smirk evily.

I blushed red and waved while (Y/B/F) used telekinesis to raise her suitcase onto the bed, while I sighed since I had to stand up to get mine.

I removed my pajamas from the pile of clothes I had messily packed into the suitcase and wandered around in an attempt to find the bathroom so I could change.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now