~ Chapter 20 ~

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Your POV

I was on the floor in a sleeping bag that (Y/B/F) created with her magic. I was fine with that, to be honest. Mettaton had insisted that I slept in a real bed, but I kindly refused.

I couldn't sleep.

The window was ajar, and once in a while a cold breeze would blow through, making me shiver.

The door suddenly opened.

"Are you s-"

"Yes, Mettaton, I'm sure."

A long robotic sigh escaped his lips. "Fine."

When he left once more, I rolled over onto my side and continued to restlessly squirm around until I couldn't take it.

Growling under my breath, I got up and stumbled over to the living room to the couch. Collapsing on it in relief, I got comfortable.

Until I realized that the blankets were on the other side of the room.


And I was too lazy to go get them.

Screw it, I don't need blankets.

~¤🌇 In the morning 🌇¤~

I woke up to the sound of artificial screaming.

Good gosh, Mettaton! What now?

"ALPHYS! (Y/N) DARLING ISN'T IN THE GUEST ROOM AND--" he began, but got cut off when he burst into the living room. "Oh, wait, nevermind, she's right here."

I snorted with laughter which earned a pout from him. "Chill, Metta. I'm completely fine."

I can't believe that I'm talking to my idol like we're besties.

"I was just worried, darling. No need to be harsh," he protested while sitting next to me after I sat up to make room.

"So, when can (Y/B/F) I go back home to get our stuff? I literally have three outfits other than what I'm wearing right now." I gestured towards the (F/C) and (S/C) pajamas that I had on at the moment.

He thought for a moment. "I can purchase you two some tickets and you could go today?"

"That sounds good," I replied, relieved.

Mettaton smiled. I'm really not sure how his face can make such accurate expressions when he is a robot, but it doesn't matter now.

Then he started panicking. "Wait, why were you sleeping on the couch? You need to be comfortable in my house!"

"I was! Now calm down, you might overheat," I told him.

Am I literally telling him what to do? Gosh, I have no idea why I'm acting so chill around him. But then I touched my cheeks and realized that they were kind of warm. That explains it.

I sighed and got up. "I'm gonna go get ready for the day," I announced. "Do I have any outfits left?" I added to myself.

I didn't wait for a reply and went back into my room to retrieve an outfit.

(Sorry the chapter is so short! I just wanted to get something out for you guys. I'm working on another book that is coming soon so I don't have much time for this one. But don't you worry, I'll be sure to make the next chapter longer. See ya later!)

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now