~ Flashback ~

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25 Years Ago... ¤~

A very young girl-- probably around 2 months old-- was being cradled in the arms of a female human, presumably her mother.

The mother had tears in her eyes as she glared at the male skeleton. "Don't you dare come near our daughter again. You cursed her."

The skeleton, apparently the father, was also crying. "(Mother's name), I didn't curse her!" he insisted, choking up.

"Then why does she look like this?" (M/N) asked coldly, holding the child up to show him the skinless left side of the girl, which was completely skeletal. Her (Soul color) soul was pulsing through the left of her ribcage.

"That's not my fault! I thought you loved me!" he replied, his voice catching on the word 'loved'.

The human narrowed her eyes. "I did, but then I realized that humans don't belong with monsters. Goodbye, (Father's name)." And with that, she swung around and stomped off, the baby in her arms.

"WAIT!" he repeated, but the mother didn't listen, instead she sped up, heading to the barrier between the monster and human world.

Her heartbeat raced as she dodged confused monsters, continuing the trek to the surface. She was determined not to soften to any more monsters ever again, except her cursed child. (Just to let you know, I don't read Harry Potter so don't think the cursed child thing is a reference).

She was a human, so she was able to break through it without problems. Although the baby was only half human, she was able to cross as well.

That was the last that they both saw the monsters for the next 23 years.


(I really don't know why I wrote this little flashback, I just thought I'd get that over with. And sorry it was so short, it just really didn't have very much to talk about. Alright, see you in the next chapter!)

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