~ Aftermath ~

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Mettaton's POV

I sat back in surprise as I saw (Y/N) collapse below me. I tapped her head, but she didn't move. "Umm, what's going on?" I asked carefully.

Just then, a red liquid began oozing from her nose. Was that... blood?

(Y/B/F) and Undyne both burst out laughing, clutching their chests as though it was so hilarious and obvious that they might die of laughter.

Toriel peeked out of the kitchen, took one glance at (Y/N), and swept back inside to get some tissues.

Sans was hiding in the hood of his hoodie, as if he saw this in a seperate timeline and would rather leave it alone.

Papyrus's jaw was (literally) on the ground, he was so shocked.

And Alphys? She was clutching my hand to reassure me it was okay. Either that, or she knew something I didn't and wasn't prepared to tell me, so she's comforting me by doing this instead.

I rubbed (Y/N)'s hair, still confused. "Is (Y/N) darling alright?" I questioned, picking her up by her shoulders.

Sans and Paps slid over to the side of the couch to make room for me to set (Y/N) down. I did, and bit my lip nervously.

"I didn't do anything!" I promised. "I just kissed her cheek!"

(Y/B/F) snickered.

Meanwhile, Toriel ran through the door to the kitchen, her paws coated in flour but holding a tissue box.

I thanked her and pressed a tissue against her nose, trying to stop the blood. The second I took it away, it was caked in the stuff and I needed another. "Trash bag, please," I ordered.

"O-o-okay," Alphys said, leaving the room to find a bag to put the red tissues in.

I could tell that (Y/B/F) was struggling to keep herself from bursting into laughter, but soon enough she couldn't hold it in.

Undyne started laughing as well, and pretty soon Sans broke out of his trance and joined in.

I was so confused...

Your POV

I shot up, sucking in a deep breath. "What happened? Why is my dress covered in blood? And why is everyone laughing?"

The room silenced immediately.

I looked around, but my vision was blurry. Although I could definitely make out the shape and colors of Mettaton standing over me.

Oh gosh, now I remember.

I fainted once Mettaton kissed me on the cheek! We were playing truth or dare... and... oh my stars, I have to go on a date with Mettaton as well, don't I? It's all going wrong. They're ganging up on me!

I smiled weakly and stood up, and felt blood drip down my leg, and I realized the source was my nose. As a reflex, my hand flew up to my nose and covered it.

Mettaton handed me a tissue, which I replaced my hand with. "Tell me everything that happened."

The robot Mettaton began explaining exactly what happened in extreme detail, which was unnecessary. But hey, I got my answer, so I don't care.

I blushed a combination of pink and (F/C). "Oh..."

"LET'S PLAY SPIN THE--" Undyne started, but was once again cut off by Toriel.

"Pie's ready!" the goat sang.

I was running into the kitchen first, and (Y/B/F) was trailing behind almost as quickly. The others also followed, although they could never run to pie as fast as me.

I sat at the table, and Toriel handed me a plate with a perfectly cut slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie sitting on it. My mouth watered at the sight of it. Grinning, I took a bite, and the blood instantly evaporated. How? What? Huh?

Oh well, this pie was too good to question. I continued to eat it, and was by far the first one to finish. I set the plate in the sink and sighed contentedly.

I was going to enjoy staying here for the night.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now