~ Games ~

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Mettaton's POV

I watched (Y/N) sigh and shake her head. "Darling, did you not want to play games with us?"

Her right cheek turned pink while her left turned (F/C). "N-no, it's okay. I'll play," she said.

I grinned and set the games on the coffee table. "Splendid! Tonight shall include games such as Uno, Monopoly, and Life!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Undyne threw her hands in the air. "You punks are going down!" she challenged.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" (Y/N) replied, taking Uno out of the pile.

"Oh, it's on!" (Y/B/F) grinned.

I began to deal out seven cards to everyone.

🎲 After the Game 🎲

(Y/N) set her last card on the pile. "I win."

Undyne gasped and glared at her, while Toriel sighed and began to shuffle her and (Y/B/F)'s remaining cards into the pile.

Papyrus groaned and slammed his cards on the table in a rage. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE BEATEN THE GREAT PAPYRUS!"

"yeah, kid. nice work beating my arrogant brother," Sans said, his permanent smile shining.

I just chuckled. "Congrats, darling. What game next?" I asked, sweeping my head to look for any suggestions.

Alphys raised her hand. "I-I s-say we play M-Monopoly, it's a l-long game so w-we should get i-it over w-with," my creator suggested.

The fish warrior Undyne smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, let's do that," (Y/N) said, taking a (H/C) strand of hair and putting it behind her ear.

"Then that's what we'll play!" I took the game out and began to set it up, while everyone called their different pieces.

I nodded my metal head, placing the pieces on the board. Then I began to deal out money, which everyone sorted into neat piles, except Sans, who just put the money into a messy group in front of him.

After many hours of frustrating gameplay ¤~

(Y/B/F) flipped through her money, counting under her breath. "And I believe I have the most money, so I win!" she exclaimed.

Undyne growled and grabbed the edges of the game, throwing it across the room. Toriel and Alphys both jumped back in surprise.

Papyrus and Sans groaned in unison and crossed their arms.

I just chuckled. "Nice job, darling." She clapped her hands together and giggled.

(Y/N) was pouting and she began to clean up Undyne's rage mess. I smirked and walked over, helping. "Th-thanks," she told me.

"Anything, dearie." I extended my arm to grab the box for her to deposit the board, money, and pieces.

I sighed robotically. "I think that's enough games for tonight, it's getting late."

Alphys screeched. "LET'S WATCH ANIME!"

"Uhh, anime isn't really my thing," (Y/N) admitted shyly.

Both Alphys and Undyne gasped.

"Me neither," (Y/B/F) pointed out.

They gasped again.

Your POV

What was with these monsters and anime? It wasn't even that good. I don't know anymore, I should be half monster. Yet I'm not like these ones. Makes sense for Toriel, Undyne, and Alphys... But shouldn't I be even a little like Papyrus and Sans?

Forget it. It doesn't matter. I took my phone out of the pocket in my dress and checked the time, then opened my music, turning on a remix of Metal Crusher and Death by Glamour.

Mettaton gasped and squealed. "That's my song, sweetheart!" he yelled excitedly.

"I know," I mumbled, embarrassed that I had chosen this song out of all songs I had. Clearing that away, I decided to ask Mettaton a question. "Excuse me, Mettaton, but how on Earth do you blush anyway?"

"Oh, Alphys--"

"I i-installed pink lights u-under his face!" Alphys interrupted. "O-oh, sorry."

I giggled and nodded. "Cool."

Mettaton sighed heavily because Alphys had beat him to the answer. "Yes."

(Y/B/F) smirked at my question. "What?!" I grumbled. "Why are you smirking?"

"No particular reason," she answered, still smirking.

I turned the song off and checked back at the time. "Anyway, we should get going back to the hotel."

Undyne suddenly screamed, "SLEEPOVER!"

Sans took his hands out of his pockets and threw them in the air. "yes! let's do that!"

"YES, EVERYONE! A SLEEPOVER!" Papyrus agreed.

"O-oh, s-sure," Alphys stuttered.

Toriel shrugged. "Very well."

"Okay, cool, we can stay here for the night. Right, (Y/B/F)?" I asked.

She nodded vigorously and shot a glance at Mettaton. "If that's okay with you?"

"Sure, I love visitors. The only monsters living here now are Alphys and Undyne, it would be great to have company even for a single night."

"Great! It's settled. But our clothes are at the MTT Hotel still..." I hesitated.

"I'll get them," Mettaton assured us. "You stay here and hang out with the others." And with that he elegantly swept out of the house and stepped into his pink limousine.

I giggled. "Alright then. What should we do?"

Everyone looked at me and grinned evily. "Why do you look like that?" I asked suspiciously.

"OTP!" Alphys shouted after Mettaton's limo drove away.

Oh gosh...

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now