~ Welcome to the Show ~

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Your POV

My eyes fluttered open abruptly, and I glared at the clock. "Uh, (Y/B/F)?"

"Yeah?" she replied, looking up from her own bed.

"It's 1:47. In the afternoon."

She scrambled out of her bed in surprise. "Really? How comfortable are these beds?"

"I know!" I sighed and got out of bed right after her, rummaging through my suitcase.

As I got ready for the day I plugged in my earbuds again and listened to some music-- my second favorite song, after Death by Glamour of course:

I pulled a (F/C) ruffled dress that went past my knees and was coated in glitter out of my bag, along with an amethyst headband. "Would this be good for the show?" I shouted over the music in my ears.

(Y/B/F) nodded and took out a less fancy dress that she wore to my birthday a few years ago.

I gave her a thumbs up and rushed into the bathroom to get changed.

After I had done that along with brushing my teeth and hair, I glanced at my Apple Watch and it was only 2:31 PM. I exited the secluded room, letting (Y/B/F) get ready.

She glanced at me nervously before going in. "You don't need to get in your dress now..."

"I know!" I grinned, pouncing on my bed and taking out my iPad. While I waited for the time to pass, I used Medibang to draw some stuff digitally. My digital art wasn't too great yet, but I was getting better.

I kept shooting excited glances at the clock next to me, while (Y/B/F) shot weird glances at me.

After a while I had gotten bored of my tablet so I just flipped through my sketchbook, admiring and enhancing my previous drawings. I finally got to the Mettaton fan art I had drawn before I had gotten on the plane and shook my head, sighing heavily.

Once again, my head was bombarded with negative thoughts. I gripped the left side of my face, which was the side with no skin, and took a deep breath. Only a few more hours until the show.

And then I looked at the clock one more time and saw that it was 7:26. Oh! How much time had passed?

Taking my earbuds out and setting everything down, I jumped out of my bed and grabbed (Y/B/F)'s arm, pointing to the clock. She nodded and hung her purse over her shoulder. Taking the tickets, I hesitated but quickly picked up my sketchbook as well, and left our room, (Y/B/F) trailing behind me.

Every second that passed and every step we took made me even more excited, and even more nervous at the same time. But I was still filled with determination! I continued to have this nagging fear ringing in my head that Mettaton would hate my drawings if he saw them.

I didn't let that phase me.

I was too close now.

And under all of that pessimism, I felt hope. The smallest bit, but it was still there. That was all I needed. Oh, along with (Y/B/F)'s undying friendship and determination. She was also going to be important in my story. I looked back at all she's done for me, and she must be.

My thoughts were cut off as we skidded to a halt in the room where only a few people were sitting. Or, rather, monsters. I saw a white goat woman, a fish lady, a lizard scientist person, and two skeletons. I noticed that they were all sitting next to each other.

I smiled and filed my way to the front after showing someone our tickets. (Y/B/F) sat next to me, and I could see her shaking for some reason. "You okay?" I whispered.

"Oh, y-yeah. I'm just nervous that there won't be any humans here."

"You've got me, though!" I protested.

"Yeah, but you're half skeleton. I mean humans who've lived here their whole lives," she explained.

I pouted and replied, "Well most humans still are silently hating the monsters. Why would they come here anyway?"

She shrugged and sighed in defeat. "I guess. I just feel out of place."

"No need!" I assured her.

I stood up after a few moments of complete and utter silence. "Well I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

She nodded in response and moved her legs out of the way so I could pass. I slipped past her, still gripping my sketchbook, and ran down the aisle to get to the bathroom.

After I had found and used it, the moment I left I felt confusion. Which way was the show again? I began to wander through the hallways blindly, because to be honest my memory was terrible especially when it comes to direction.

I kept walking but found absolutely nothing.

Well, that is, until I collided with someone. And it hurt, like that someone was made of metal.

Before I could fall I felt the person grab my wrist. "What are you doing wandering around, darling?" a robotic voice asked, pulling me to my feet. And there I was, face to face with the one and only Mettaton.

Oh no...

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now