~ Chapter 21 ~

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Your POV

I just was in a good mood today. I don't know why, but I was.

After getting ready for the day, I realized why.

I was kind of slacking off on my work, not checking my website to see if I had any commissions.

But I was bored while waiting for the time to come to board the plane so we could retrieve our stuff.

So with nothing to lose, I plopped on the couch and pulled the phone out of my hoodie pocket. I opened Safari and opened the tab that was open to my website.

There was a commission.

I was freaking out internally for a couple seconds. After that I grinned and tapped it to see who it was.

I saw their profile picture and blinked, smiling wider. The username was "AnimeGirlfriends213". Guess who that is?

It was Undyne and Alphys!

I squealed and stood up, rushing to their room. "Alphys! Undyne!" I flung open their door without knocking to see them sitting on a bed and watching anime on a tv.

"(Y-Y/N)? What i-is it?" Alphys asked.

"You interrupted our weekly anime session!" Undyne complained.

"Sorry. I just wanted to gather information on the commission you gave me," I explained, lacing my hands together. "Is there anything specific you wanted? Digital, traditional? Realistic, anime style?"

They both did a synchronized gasp, then both exclaimed, "Anime style!"

I grinned from ear to ear. "Traditional or digital?"

"Which one is better?" Undyne questioned.


"Traditional, then!" Undyne cheered, pumping her first in the air without waiting for you to finish your answer.

Alphys gave a nervous laugh before lowering Undyne's arm. "Do you want me to draw you two together?" I asked. They both nodded. "Any specific poses?"

"N-no, whatever y-you choose is o-okay," the yellow lizard confirmed. "H-how much i-is a c-commission?"

I smiled. "Well, a traditional anime style drawing with two people would come to... $21. But I always do a full body, color it, shade it, and use magic to make it sparkle, so it's worth it."

Alphys tapped her chin. "S-sounds good."

"When will it be done?" Undyne pressed.

"As soon as I can," I promised, relieved that I finally am making money once more. "You can give me the money once I show it to you, and if you don't like it, you don't have to pay me."

"Great! Now get out so we can continue watching anime!" Undyne waved me away with a hand and pressed play on the remote.

I smiled brightly and slipped out of the room, heading down the hallway to return to (Y/B/F).

When I entered the guest bedroom, I saw that she was staring dreaming at the ceiling.

"Ooh, you dreaming about your boyfriend Papyrus?" I taunted.

Her face flushed bright red. "W-well, I might be-- but, um, that's none of your business!"

I doubled over laughing. "Oh my gosh, (Y/B/F)."

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