~ Chapter 18 ~

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Your POV

I went into my room to see Metta already packing for me. "You don't have to do that..."

"I can help, darling. It's what, uh, friends do!" His voice contained a small amount of venom on the word 'friends', but I ignored it.

"That's where my"-- He took out my sketchbooks-- "sketchbooks are," I sighed. "Please don't flip through-- and, of course, you flip through them."

His eyes widened when he saw the art in some of the pages. I could've sworn that his pupils flickered to a heart shape for a fraction of a second, but it was hard to tell. "Wow, this is gorgeous, dear. Do you do commissions?" he questioned me.

"I live off of my commission earnings," I admitted.

"Fascinating." He shut the sketchbook and set it in my suitcase. "Ooh, and you have a drawing tablet!"

"Nononono wait! Aaaaaand nevermind."

He began sliding his finger continuously across the screen looking through my digital art. Wow, this is embarrassing, since my digital art so far has been just him and nothing else.

"Okay, I think that's enough snooping for now!" I said, using some telekinesis to take it out of his hands and putting it in my suitcase.

Mettaton's face was fully pink by now. "Yes, I think so, too...." He smiled awkwardly and stepped towards the door. "I'll leave you to it, then..."

The second he slipped outside, I sighed in relief. He didn't have to see any more than he already did.

I glanced at my suitcase with the slightest bit of regret. I do love it here... even though there are jerks like that. I might be able to handle it again, possibly better than I did tonight.

Taking a deep breath, I left the suitcase on the bed and went to find (Y/B/F) to discuss things with her.

Where was she?

I searched around the house for her, but to no avail. Hmm...

Finally, I exited through the front door, hoping to find her outside.

And I was correct, there she was. But...

I swear I could see her on her toes, kissing Papyrus.

As I got a little closer, I could see that that was exactly what was going on.

I started to walk backwards, embarrassed that I had seen that. Not quick enough, though, because (Y/B/F) turned around and saw me, her face growing a deep crimson color.

"Oh. H-hey, (Y/N)... Um..." (Y/B/F) mumbled.


I cut him off. "Sorry, I'll just wait, uh, inside." I smiled stiffly and entered the house quickly.

I went into the living room, my own face dusted with color. I took a spot on the couch next to Alphys. "Hey, Alphys, don't you have your own house?" I questioned her to get my mind off of it.

"O-oh, n-no... Undyne a-and I live h-here."

"Oh, right, because you're dating," I guessed. "And you created Mettaton, so you live with him."

She nodded, blushing when I said 'dating'.

I giggled and turned my attention to the TV, which had an anime with a girl who had cat ears. My only thoughts about that were what?, why?, and huh?

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "What even is this?"

"It's Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!" Alphys said, and I kind of tuned her out when she started rambling on about the entire plot and all of the characters in the show.

To me it just sounded like blah blah blah cat ears blah blah blah kisses blah blah blah anime.

Yeah, I get it. You like anime.

At least I have a reason to ditch her now. I nodded like I understood and left for my room once she wasn't paying attention.

In my room was someone I wouldn't expect.

Mettaton was sitting on my bed, drawing something in one of my sketchbooks.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now