~ Breakfast? ~

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Your POV

I finished changing, brushed my teeth, and left to go back to the room. When I got back, (Y/B/F) was already changed and was in the bed diagonally, leaving no room for me.

Which I was okay with, I guess... It's not like she would let me sleep there anyway.

I raised a few bones from the ground to form a bed shape, then I took a few blankets that were under the bed and placed them on my makeshift one. Then I sat on it, shivering because I was sleeping on legitimate bones and it was so freezing tonight.

I sat there for about half an hour while trying to find sleep.

But it never came.

I couldn't take it anymore. I sighed, stood up, and left (Y/B/F) in her bed while I slipped out of the door.

And of course, because that's just what we do in this book, I collided with a metal body. "Ack, Metta!" I whisper-yelled, almost falling until Mettaton caught me.

"Sorry about that, sweetheart, I heard you twisting and turning in there," he admitted, his voice laced with genuine worry, although I couldn't possibly know why.

I shrugged, pondering on whether I should lie to him or tell the truth. Well, if I am in love with him, I should probably tell the truth, right? "W-well, u-uh, (Y/B/F) is kinda taking up the whole bed, so I made my own out of bones, and it's not exactly the most comfortable thing in the world..."

Metta threw his hands over his mouth. "Oh, my darling, you are too lovely to sleep on bones. Here, you may sleep in my room. I don't use my bed very often since I don't need sleep," he offered.

"You're too kind to me, Metta. I couldn't possibly--" I started, but Mettaton put a finger over my lips so I couldn't speak.

"No, there's no excuses. You will sleep well in my house," he promised, taking my hand and leading me to his room.

When I first entered the room, the thing that caught me was the excessive pink, zebra print, and pink zebra print.

I sat on the bed, and wow. This is probably the most comfortable thing I had ever experienced. I laid down, setting my arms behind my head. Mettaton picked up a charger and stuck it in a slot somewhere I couldn't see, then sat on the edge. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

He called me by my name!

"Goodnight, Metta! I will see you in the morning," I replied, smiling and falling asleep almost instantly.

~¤🌇 In the morning 🌇¤~

I woke up to the sound of pots banging.

I jumped up in surprise, looking around the room quickly. Wait...

This isn't my room... It's not the hotel, or the guest room...


Yes, I remember. I couldn't sleep in the guest room. So this must be...

Mettaton's room.

I blushed again to see Mettaton on the edge of the bed, his eyes closed and the charger plugged in.

When he heard me get up, he opened his eyes and took the charger out. "Morning, darling. How did you sleep?"

"Fine. Did you hear that metal clashing?" I asked.

He gasped, which was probably recorded because... well, he's a robot. "Oh dear, please tell me that Undyne and Papyrus aren't cooking!!" he exclaimed, crossing his fingers and running at full speed out of the room.

I giggled and followed more slowly. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Undyne and Papyrus standing over a pan and pancake batter splattered all over the wall.

Mettaton collapsed to his knees and started shouting at them. "This is why you can't cook at my house!"

Alphys sighed. "I tried t-to warn them th-that you w-would get m-mad," she spoke, obviously trying to avoid stuttering but failing.

I sat at the table and sighed heavily as Undyne started to have an argument with Papyrus about whose idea it was.

(Y/B/F) walked into the room groggily, clearly confused at all of the noise that had awoken her.

Soon Sans came in as well, looking more awake but also less at the same time. His left eye was glowing a blue color, kind of how mine does except mine is (F/C). "whoever woke me up is going to have a BAD TIME!" he growled.

Undyne pointed at Papyrus, Papyrus pointed at Undyne, Alphys pointed at Mettaton, and Mettaton pointed at both Undyne and Papyrus.

Sans sighed and shook his head, the blue in his eye fading. "nevermind. what's for breakfast?"

"I'm assuming that it was pancakes, but the batter is kinda... all over the wall," I guessed.

Undyne grunted and rolled her eyes, turning back to make some more, although Mettaton grabbed her arm before she could make any more mess.

"I can make some," I offered.

"Me, too!" (Y/B/F) added.

Undyne and Papyrus both groaned but reluctantly gave in.

Hooray! I can now repay these lovely monsters who have done so much for me yesterday.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now