~ Hotel ~

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Your POV

I stopped mid-step. "Wait, really?"

She nodded, pointing at the several Mettaton statues lining the hotel.

"Oh. Well in that case..." I smiled playfully and grabbed (Y/B/F)'s arm, pulling her along with me as I ran to the huge building.

Outside in a large courtyard were two fountains carved out of marble, many statues of Mettaton, and everything seemed to sparkle.

Squealing, we both scrambled inside to see an even greater sight. (I apologize, I'm not very good at describing room appearance. Just imagine what it would look like!) I almost fainted, but (Y/B/F) caught me before I could tumble to the gorgeous pink and black checkered floor.

I giggled and thanked her before standing up again and running up to the person who you would rent a room from. (Please tell me what they're called! I don't remember...)

The girl at the counter sucked in a huge breath and fidgeted with her hands. "Um, did you want something?"

"Do you have any vacant rooms, Miss?" I asked as polite as I could.

"Not for people with no money. And you look like that kind of person," the woman remarked, looking us up and down.

I let out an over-dramatic gasp which made (Y/B/F) laugh. "Excuse me, Miss," I growled, trying to keep my cool as best I could. "I will have you know that I have plenty of money, and my business pays me quite fairly," I replied in a more calm voice, really hoping that she would let us stay in a room if I was polite enough.

"Oh, really? What business would that be?"

I took a deep breath. Was she asking to get annihilated? I really didn't want to use my fists on her. "I am a very talented artist," I replied curtly, taking my sketchbook out of my backpack and showing her the drawing of Mettaton I had drawn on the plane ride.

She blinked and cleared her throat. "Oh. Well then... I guess I can get you a room, then." The lady typed some things on the computer that was next to her.

I shared a triumphant glance with (Y/B/F), who had been silent the whole time. "Nice work," she whispered in my ear, which made me grin.

I returned my sketchbook to its proper place and watched as the woman turned back to you. "Alright, here you go. There is a vacant room on the fifth floor, room (Number). Here's your cards to get in," she said, handing me two cards. I nodded in thanks and handed her my credit card, to which she charged me for staying for two nights.

I was gonna rack up such a huge bill by the end of this trip, but I really didn't mind. Like I said, totally gonna be worth it.

I dragged our bags to the elevator, where I pressed the button that said "5". I noticed that the elevator was golden, had a glass back wall, and a pink carpet floor. It made it just that much classier.

I saw that (Y/B/F) was grinning like a maniac. "What?" I asked her nervously.

"We are staying in the above ground MTT Hotel! They finished building it only a couple weeks ago!" she squealed-- too loudly to be honest.

But really, I couldn't complain, because I also wanted to squeal. This was amazing. And I could afford it? Wow, um... Okay, maybe I may have to earn a couple extra dollars by selling more art. That's not that bad though, since drawing is my passion.

Soon enough we had reached the fifth floor. The two of us began to walk to room (Number), where we would be staying.

As I opened it with my key-card, my mouth hung open as I saw it. There were two king sized beds, a TV that could possibly take up a third of the room, a chandelier, and a huge balcony which overlooked the courtyard.

Okay then!

This will be interesting.

I shut my mouth and dragged (Y/B/F) inside, giggling. I set my luggage on one of the beds. "Dibs on this bed!" I called, admiring the (F/C) comforter that was lined with golden designs.

(Y/B/F)'s bed was black lined with silver designs. She smiled, nodded, and dropped her bag on the bed. "Okay. Well, what do you want to do before the show tomorrow night?" she asked before stifling a giant yawn.

"SLEEP!" I shouted, plopping on the bed, which made (Y/B/F) laugh.

"Brought your Mettaton drawings?" she asked me, glancing at the backpack still hanging on my shoulder. I nodded.

I took my sketchbook out and a wave of worry swept over me for not the first time today. "If I do meet him, what if he doesn't like these portraits I drew?" I worried, flipping to the skillfully drawn pictures. They were actually surprisingly lifelike drawings, like someone took a picture with a camera.

"Oh shut up, he would love them!" (Y/B/F) reassured me. "Don't beat yourself up, (Y/N). You're really talented."

I smiled warmly. "Thanks, (Y/B/F). I needed that."

"No problem!"

"Let's get ready for the show tomorrow," I suggested, opening my suitcase and rummaging through it.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now