~ Double Date ~

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Your POV

After I was done getting into my dress, I opened the door and awkwardly made my way back to the room. (Y/B/F) grinned and handed me a diamond headband that went with a diamond necklace and bracelet. "You're gonna look so nice!" she said excitedly, running her hand through her own hair.

I shifted my weight awkwardly, and pulled the bottom of my leggings down to my ankles, for I wanted to show as less bone as possible.

But (Y/B/F) was way ahead of me. She held two fingers up and showed me a pair of silver boots that were levitating above her head. "Surprise! Undyne and I went and stole these for you."

I chuckled. "Thank you very much, (Y/B/F). It means a lot."

She nodded a "you're welcome" seconds before there was a knock on the closed door.

"Are you decent, darlings?" a voice, presumably Mettaton's, asked from outside.

"Yep!" I replied, trying to slip the boots on before he came in.

The robot entered the room, watching me struggle on the floor with the stubborn boot.

"Uhh, did I come at a bad time?" he asked carefully.

"No, no, it's fine," (Y/B/F) said, taking the boot from me and unzipping it, then handing it back.

"You look gorgeous, (Y/N)! You too, (Y/B/F)!" he exclaimed, clapping his gloved hands together. "Papyrus was waiting for you in the living room, by the way."

"Oh, okay! Tell him I'll be there in a sec," (Y/B/F) spoke, while irritably assisting me with the other one.

Metta left the room, humming the tune of "Bonetrousle", Papyrus's theme.

When she had finished, she buried her face in her hands. "Why did you have to dare Paps to go on a date with me?"

"Because I'm your friend and I care about your love life, too!" I replied, repeatedly poking her in the shoulder.

She pushed my hand away and sighed. "Well, I suppose I always interfere in yours."

"Exactly! So now we're even!" I grinned, pushing her out the door to go meet Papyrus.

While she reluctantly stumbled out of the door, I looked at myself in the mirror of the vanity, inserted my headband, and put on my necklace and bracelet.

I thought it may have been a little much for a platonic date, but hey, I didn't want to disappoint (Y/B/F) by putting on a different outfit.

I slid out of the door and shuffled down the hall, very embarrassed. My face must have been a dark shade of both red and (F/C), and I haven't even got into the same room as him yet. This will not be good.

When I entered, Mettaton waved and I noticed that his face was also pink, which made me feel just a little better. (Y/B/F) and Papyrus were quite awkwardly standing next to each other, both looking very flustered. I could tell that this night will be interesting at the least.

Mettaton led us to his limo, and we all managed to squeeze inside with only a little trouble. The trouble was mostly Papyrus, because of his size.

"Hey, what is Sans doing?" I asked as the limo drove off, trying my best to make conversation.

"HE WENT HOME SINCE HE HAD NOTHING TO DO," Papyrus answered, and he probably would have made my ears bleed if he was any louder.

"Great," (Y/B/F) said, the sarcasm in her voice not very clear, but I had been her best friend for over ten years and I'm pretty sure I could tell when she was being sarcastic.

I cleared my throat. "So, um, where are we going for dinner anyway?" I set my hand down on the seat, tracing the lines of thread that sewed the seats together with my finger.

Mettaton set his hand on mine, and my face immediately flushed red. I shot (Y/B/F) a "help me" glance, but she shook her head and instead looked out of the window.

"We're going to the MTT Hotel," Metta explained. "They have the finest Glamburgers on the planet."

"I'm pretty sure that they're the only place that sells Glamburgers, other than the MTT Resort in the Underground," I pointed out.

Papyrus laughed and looked out of the window with (Y/B/F), watching the buildings and trees pass by.

Mettaton frowned. "So?"

"I was joking," I replied.

Soon enough we had pulled up by the glamorous hotel, and I could've sworn that there was more glitter here than before. Whatever, this is Mettaton's hotel. What is the MTT Hotel without a little more sparkle every time you come?

Our little group went to the restaurant area of the hotel. Mettaton brought us to sit down at a table for four. I ended up sitting across from Metta and next to (Y/B/F).

"So, did Alphys say that you could eat?" I asked out of the blue.

"Yes, but I don't need to, darling. While humans and other monsters get energy from food, I get it from my power cell," he answered.

I nodded thoughtfully, and turned to see (Y/B/F) and Paps also having a conversation, so I made a decision to just chat with Metta for a while.

Which was probably a bad decision on my part, but hey.

This is me we're talking about here.

Have I really made good decisions in the past?

No, so shut up.

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