~ Chapter 17 ~

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Your POV

I growled under my breath and was in such a rage that a (F/C) fire was pluming up and smoking around my eye. I swung open the door to the limo and threw Metta and (Y/B/F) inside, leaving (Y/B/F) to get crushed by the window with Mettaton pushing her against the door. Papyrus nervously glanced at me and got in as well before I could throw him in.

I went in after him, shutting the door and buckling my seatbelt.

"Drive us back," I ordered the driver, "so we can get our stuff and go back to (Home town) where (Y/B/F) and I can just deal with the same old jerks for the rest of our lives, because we don't need change. The jerks back home are easy to deal with. Now, before I hurt you!" The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. I don't even know why I said that, it seemed rude and mean.

Without hesitation, the driver stomped on the gas pedal and sped down the road.

Mettaton looked shocked. "What? What are you all shocked about?! Monsters have always been hated by humans and still are! And especially hybrid mistakes like me," I cried, tears streaming down my face by now.

(Y/B/F) reached over the seat and squeezed my arm. "Shhh... It's okay, (Y/N). No need to destroy Mettaton like you destroyed that kid."

My eyes were gushing tears and wouldn't stop. "Why can't everyone get along?" I asked rhetorically, pushing her hand away and wiping my eyes.

Papyrus shuffled his boots and decided not to interfere, but instead looked out the window.

Mettaton on the other hand, was shaking for some reason. His face was dark pink. "Darling.... Why are you so... cold, all of a sudden?"

"I never realized how much I hated humans. Maybe it would be better if..." I stopped before I could finish my thought and touched the door that was on my right side. "No, no. Then I wouldn't have... Would I?"

Mettaton shot (Y/B/F) a confused glance, who shrugged and signed something at him.

Mettaton's POV

Comfort her, (Y/B/F) signed.

I bit my lip and shook my head. I think she needs to be alone for now.

Suit yourself. But I'm the one who has been her best friend before you even became a robot, she replied, frowning.

I glanced at (Y/N), who was muttering things and crying uncontrollably, her left eye still glowing (F/C). Are you sure?

Pretty sure, she signed.


I collected my thoughts and touched (Y/N) on the shoulder. "Hey, (Y/N) darling..."

"What? Can't you see I don't have time for robots right now? Can't you see that I'm debating whether to go home or to escape to Mount Ebott to live in the empty towns forever?" she snapped, her eyes wet.

Her words hurt me, but I was determined. "I just wanted to say that you're welcome to live with me-- I mean, Alphys, Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Frisk, and I. (Y/B/F) can stay, too..." I trailed off, immediately remembering what happened at the hotel and wondering if something like that would happen again, and if so, if it would happen often.

She sighed and wiped her tears, but her face was still stained. "Thanks, but I dunno..."

I stroked her hair comfortingly. "We're your friends, sweetheart. We're here for you."

The half skeleton didn't reply, although her cheeks gained some color.

The limo came to a stop at the house. Great timing, I suppose. I opened the vehicle door for (Y/N) but her only reply was a grunt.

Papyrus and (Y/B/F) exited after her.

I felt a twist in my nonexistent heart and immediately wondered how that was possible.

"Are you mad at me for some reason?" I called to her.


"Can you just talk to me then?"



"Absolutely not."

I sighed in defeat and entered the house, going to her room to help her pack her bags. If she was leaving, then I was fine with that. Okay, no I wasn't. I was not fine at all with that.

But she was just another fan!

So why do I feel like I want her to stay here?

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now