~ Forgot ~

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Mettaton's POV

I waited on the couch, watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with Alphys and Undyne.

Sans and Papyrus were in their rooms, doing something that I wasn't interested in.

Toriel had already left, telling us that it was her turn to watch over her son, Asriel. Which I was fine with, of course.

(Y/N) and (Y/B/F) were busy making pancakes for everyone, and as humans-- er, almost humans, they probably had more experience with human food than the rest of us, especially Undyne and Papyrus.

As hard as they try, well... they aren't exactly the greatest cooks in the world.

Okay, that's definitely an understatement.

"Alphys, dear, I'll never understand what you like so much about this Mew Mew Kissy Cutie... thing." I shook my head, sighing, as Alphys turned her gaze to me, her eyes burning with something.

"M-Mew Mew Kissy Cutie i-is the b-best!" she snapped, stuttering no matter how hard she tried not to. It was really a part of her.

I held up my hands in surrender. "Fine, fine. But I find no appeal in it."

She huffed and crossed her arms, but unfolded them after a couple seconds of pouting, and then started to watch intently once again.

I chuckled lightly and got up, deciding to check on the darlings in the kitchen.

There was a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes on a plate. "Ooh, is that chocolate?" I asked, coming up behind them and startling (Y/N).

She hid her open eyesocket with her hair awkwardly. "Yes, actually. I won't eat pancakes unless they have chocolate chips in them," she admitted, her face dusted a mixture of light pink and (F/C).

(Y/B/F) laughed. "And I've had to live with it during all of my sleepovers with her, so I've gotten used to it as well," she said, punching (Y/N) playfully in the arm.

The half skeleton recoiled and punched her back, giggling. "They're good!"

"I wish I could try them," I sighed. "But sadly, I'm not sure if my artificial digestive system would work properly, I haven't tested it out yet."

(Y/N) gave me a sympathetic glance before flipping another pancake onto the plate. "You should ask Alphys if she thinks it's stable, or you're gonna really miss out," she told me.

I smiled at her and left the room to go ask Alphys.

~¤ Time skip brought to you by the Pacifist Route ¤~

Your POV

I tapped my smart watch to see that it was 5:21 pm. I got the feeling that I was forgetting something...


y thoughts got cut off as (Y/B/F) pounced on the couch next to me, which startled me so much I might have went through the roof.

"Heh. Scared you," she teased. Before I could retort back, I noticed that she looked more fancy than normal. "Are you ready for your date with Mettaton?" she asked, reminding me about that stupid truth or dare game.

"Oh, I actually legitimately forgot about that!" I laughed, also remembering how she had to go on a date with the innocent skelebro Papyrus.

She laughed as well, and I finally realized that she had been levitating my suitcase. "C'mon, we gotta find you something cute!" my bestie insisted, grabbing my arm and pulling me along to the guest room.

I groaned. "But I look fine!" Right now I was wearing a white shirt under a (F/C) hoodie, which had a heart in the top left corner colored (Soul color). I was also wearing a black ruffled skirt and a fancy glove to cover my skeletal left hand.

She laughed at me and shook her head, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye. "Wow, you're really confident in yourself, (Y/N). You love Metta, don't you?"

I shuffled my feet awkwardly. "No..."

"Yes, you do, (Y/N). Don't tell me that you don't blush whenever he's around. And remember when we were playing truth or dare and you got a nosebleed and fainted once he kissed your cheek?"

"Don't remind me," I mumbled. "Just forget about it, for now we're going on a platonic date, that's it."

"Alright. Then that's what Paps and I will go as. Just friends," she replied casually, beginning to rummage through my suitcase.

"Hey! That's my stuff!"

She pulled out the sketchbooks, confused. "How come you have so many sketchbooks with you?" Next she pulled out some of the other art supplies and shook her head. "You're weird, (Y/N)."

"Thank you! You're weird, too!" I chirped.

"Can't complain with that." She shrugged, finally pulling out a (F/C) sweater-dress with elbow-length sleeves, and it went down to my knees. It had silver diamond patterns on it. "How about this?"

I shuddered. "Too fancy."

"Isn't that what you want?" (Y/B/F) asked, confused.

"I guess you're right," I sighed. I reached into the suitcase again and pulled out some (S/C) leggings to go with. I will admit, (S/C) goes pretty well with (F/C).

She thrust the dress into my hands and pushed me out the door so I could change in the bathroom. Sighing and rolling my eyes, I obeyed and reluctantly went inside to get dressed fancy.

Set the Stage (Mettaton x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now