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Chapter 22: What I feel


Olivia's leg bounced up and down in anticipation as her butt grew numb from the wooden seat she was currently sat on.

The third task hadn't even started and already she couldn't take it, her nerves had skyrocketed as the rush she received once more had only increased as well as a small ringing in her ears. Her head jolted to the side awkwardly as she tried to cover her lack of control over the sudden movement. The girl was shaking from head to toe and was incredibly pale, not even Draco's hand on her knee or Serena squeezing her hand could stop the shaking.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked lowly, his face only a few inches from Olivia's who stared ahead at nothing.

Serena leant forwards almost falling onto Blaise and eyed the boy curiously, "Obviously not you bloody idiot, look at her she's a mess." She snapped.

Blaise and Alexis turned around and gave the two daggers "Not now you gits." Blaise warned looking at Olivia.

She had no focus, her mind was else where and not even the music starting could rope her back in, everything was hazy and her mind struggled to comprehend what was reality and what was an ill feeling. Everyone began to cheer as the champions entered, Olivia lifted her head slightly to see Cedric and Harry walk in, also spotting Amos Diggory by his sons side looking incredibly proud of her best friend.

Dumbledore's eyes flickered up to the girl casually and she shook her head slightly, unnoticeable to anyone else. He knew about feelings towards the final task, only minutes away from starting, since she'd burst into his office uninvited and begged for the final to be cancelled. Professor Snape was hot on her trail, appearing seconds later to witness her testifies against the task going ahead, however seeing the state the girl was in now only caused concern within her Professors.

Regardless, Dumbledore took his stand on the podium and silenced the crowd as everyone began to take their seats. Teachers and respectable members of the ministry were seated at the front with the students scattered everywhere else.

"Earlier on today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizard cup deep within the maze, only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mister Diggory.." At the mention of his name the crowd erupted into cheers as Amos threw his sons arm into the air. Cedric glanced at Olivia in the crowd and smiled slightly.

"..and Mister Potter.."

Again more cheers sounded as Harry scanned the crowd and smiled, picking out the Gryffindors and the Slytherin.

"..are tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mister Krum.."

Durmstrang cheered out for their champion as Igor shouted for Viktor.

"..followed by Miss Delecour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner." He concluded, the whole crowd cheered as the end was near but over the cheers Olivia heard a slither in the distance as a voice called out to the girl.

"The time has come.." It trailed, Olivia snapped her head round behind her, eyes wide, the sudden movement alerting the people around her as she'd barely moved in ten minutes.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked from beside her.

"Did you not hear that?" Olivia replied.

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