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Chapter 24: The cause of the crimes


Mad-Eye Moody had surprisingly helped the two fourth years back to the castle and had taken them back to his office in the Defence classroom, leading them up the small staircase and locking the door behind them. The tears had stopped from both parties for now, instead replaced with glum expressions to match their heavy hearts but Olivia couldn't hide her trembling hands even if she wanted to.

The Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor had given them both a stool to sit on, Olivia had found herself opposite Harry - away from the centre of attention for a while. She took the short amount of time to attempt to compose herself before she'd have to face anyone other than the two others in the room with her at that moment.

She was scared incase as soon as she laid eyes on the likes of Draco or the Twins that she'd crumble instantaneously and that her heart would shatter.

Draco had long figured Olivia out after his initial confusion as to the lack of reaction he'd received from Olivia when he started messing around with Pansy earlier on in the school year, after the pair had shared their first kiss together. He'd known from Blaise that she was upset about the situation, what he'd done to her but she wore a brave face. She hid her feelings from her classmates well with a signature smirk but as soon as she was in the comfort of a few and behind closed doors she cried and sometime she cried hard.

She built up this picture of her being alright, when half of the time she was the polar opposite. Just so her peers or anyone watching for that matter had nothing to hold against her, so they had no weakness to threaten her with.

"Are ya alright Potter?" Moody asked, his voice low. Olivia watched as Harry's eyes flickered down to the gash on his arm she hadn't noticed, Harry nodded.

"Does it hurt? That." Mad-Eye asked looking at the boys arm.

"Not so much now." Harry muttered.

"Perhaps I better take a look at it." Mad-Eye said before taking the boys arm.

"The Cup was a portkey." Olivia whispered, her voice unable to go any higher.

Harry gave her a questioning look but nodded in agreement with her nonetheless. "Someone had bewitched it." He added.

"What was it like?" Mad-Eye asked after a moment. Harry's eyes furrowed slightly as confused etched on his face. "What was he like?" He asked.

"Who?" Harry muttered.

"The Dark Lord." He answered, grabbing Harry's injured arm roughly. Olivia lifted her head slowly and looked her professor. "What was it like.." He started again "..to stand in his presence?"

"I-I don't know, it was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams." Harry said as he looked at Olivia, knowing they'd shared some of the same dreams before, "Into one of my nightmares."

Mad-Eye started to make weird noises as he moved around his room in a rush to find something, however only making Olivia more confused as he rushed into another room and began rutting around. Harry met Olivia's gaze as they both shared a questioning look.

"Were there others, in the graveyard. Were there others?" He urged, calling back though to them.

Harry began to stutter as Olivia's face went slack as she dawned upon realisation, her lips were parted slightly as she gave Harry a look. He clicked on seconds later as she tilted her head to the side, her and Harry exchanged another look: Mad-Eye wasn't supposed to know he was at a graveyard.

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