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Chapter 25: Promises are made to be kept


Olivia walked slowly into the crowded common room, her whole body trembling from the days revelations. The room fell silent as the portrait door swung shut, all eyes falling on her broken frame.

Her head lifted slowly as her watery eyes met a pair of grey ones almost instantly, a single tear fell from her eye as Draco rushed forward and caught the girl just before she fell. Collapsing fully into the boy more tears began to fall again, she buried her head into his shoulder, looping her arms around his neck as he ran his hand over her hair and Serena told everyone to clear off.

Draco picked the girl up bridal style and carried her up to her shared dormitory and out of prying eyes, leaving the door open as he knew the other three would be trailing behind him. He walked over and sat down on the edge of her bed, holding her close as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Olivia rubbed her eyes as she began to hiccup every so often. Serena, Alexis and Blaise appearing a few moments later.

"Olivia what happened?" Alexis asked quietly as she walked over to her bed and knelt down in front of the couple.

"It's him." She said vaguely hiccuping again.

"Who?" Blaise asked, joining them.

"Barty Crouch junior." She said, confusing the four. "He murdered my parents in their own home, he threw me in the Black Lake and left me for dead, he bewitched Alex at the Yule Ball and he's the reason Cedric's dead." She said without taking a breath.

"Shit Liv.." Serena whispered, taking the girl's hand. She squeezed her eyes shut as Draco kissed her head and continued to calm the broken girl down as the other three soothed her as best as they could.


Olivia's face was void of emotion as the warm breeze blew her hair around. She leaned over the the railings on the astronomy tower and looked out into the darkness. She wanted time to think - so after she calmed down enough to walk on her own she left the four to take a walk, somehow ending back up on the astronomy tower.

"How'd you find out?" A voice sounded from behind her, she turned to see Draco leaning against the doorway of the tower before he moved over when she looked back out to the sky. She kept her gaze on the stars as the boy leant on the railings next to her, shifting closer towards her as a sense of comfort for the pair

"In a twisted turn of evens junior turned out to be Mad-Eye on polyjuice potion." She croaked.

"You mean-"

"A Death Eater turned you into a ferret, yeah?" She sighed, a ghost of a smile on her lips as Draco laughed beside her. The two stood in silence for a few moments as Olivia watched the stars while Draco had his gaze on Olivia, her face lit up by the moonlight as he realised how beautiful she was.

Even though she looked broken and fragile beyond belief, to the boy she was the strongest person on the planet for what she had gone through but he couldn't miss the hidden expression on his face and he knew something was wrong.

"What else is on your mind?" He asked, moving his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders as she leaned into his chest. Olivia murmured a small 'hmm' as a reply as he elaborated. "It's written all over your face Liv, what else is going on in that pretty little head of yours." He asked quietly.

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