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Chapter 23: Loosing a loved one is never easy


Olivia's knee had started bouncing again, this time in anticipation. The girl bit her nails down to the beds as Arthur Weasley sat sat beside her on the first row in an attempt to comfort her.

Viktor had returned perfectly fine but with no recollection of what had happened inside the maze. It was obvious from the state he'd returned in he'd fought Harry and Cedric inside the maze, possibility even Fleur also but it didn't help to ease the nerves of Olivia.

No matter how hard she tried she had nothing, her mind was completely blank, there were no more ill feelings, she couldn't see Harry or Cedric when she tried to reach them. The Professors on patrol consisted of Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Moody who were all pacing back and forth eagerly awaiting the return of the last remaining champions.

Hermione and Ron were seated higher up in the stands, them both anxiously awaiting Harry's arrival. The girl knew as soon as she saw Olivia nothing good was to come and the longer they waited the more they lost hope they'd both turn up alive.

It had been a little over twenty minuets since Olivia saw the graveyard and she was getting sick of the anticipation along with the shaking in her legs she couldn't control. As blank as her mind was it was clouded with thoughts and scenarios, if she had seen a little more than just a quick flash of a graveyard she could of gave the insight to her Professor and maybe she wouldn't be in this position right now. She sighed, standing up and walking out to the edge of the grass signalling her headmaster.

She looked suspicious as hell but she didn't care.

"Wha-what is she doing?" Blaise said hitting Draco's knee, his eyes still glued to his best friend.

"The hell if I know." Draco sighed, seeing Olivia in the state she was made the boy on edge. She looked sickly, her skin pale and dark circles under her eyes. It pained him to see her that way and only increased the urge he felt to move from his chair and over towards her to not only comfort her, but take her back up to the castle. He knew something was up with her but was afraid to push the girl incase something worse happened to her.

"This isn't right, we need to find them." Olivia muttered.

Snape and McGonagall had joined the pair looking equally as stressed.
"What do you suggest we do Warwick?" McGonagall asked, rocking a feeling in Olivia.

"That's not my name." She mumbled, her eyes glued to the floor. An idea popped into her head a moment later as she felt something bubble inside of her, a small warmth radiating through her, looking up she interrupted Professor Snape before he could even get his next words out, "Let me in, I can find them."

"And how do you suppose we do that without people asking questions?" Snape snapped.

"How can you find them?" Dumbledore asked.

"I can feel a connection with Harry.." she started "..it's not a positive one but it'll work nonetheless."

"No absolutely not, it's not safe Albus." McGonagall protested instantly.

"I'll be fine I can-" She began but was cut off by a break out of applause followed by a familiar crack. Her back facing away from the maze she relaxed fully, breathing out a shaky sigh of relief and turned turned around to greet Harry and Cedric with tight embraces. The music started up and everyone rushed from the stands, Arthur moving to bring Amos into a side embrace as the two men jumped up and down, cheering loudly for the return of the Champions.

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