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I gave her a big smile and asked her if I could join her because I don't know my way around here at all. She snickered a little bit and held out her hand for me to grab, so I grabbed my bag, and she grabbed me and showed me around, I had to admit, it was a very beautiful location, full of exotic birds, and flowers everywhere I looked, and the water was crystal clear with black and white sand covering the beach. After a very nice walk and tour with her, she showed me to the main entrance of the lodge. I asked her if she would be joining me, but she gave a slight sigh and told me that she had to get to her father's bungalow before he had a conniption fit.

I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything, then I waited and watched her until she disappeared around the corner, then I went into the building and showed them a ticket that my mother had preordered for me. The kind lady put a weird stamp on it then handed it back to me then hollered for a boy to come and take my bags to the bungalow where I would be staying for the three weeks. Then she smiled at me and told me to have a great evening and enjoy my stay. The little bungalow was very gorgeous, I didn't feel like unpacking though, so I just tossed my suitcase on the floor and dropped on the bed, all the time wondering if I was going to see Kc again because I couldn't get her out of my mind.

Just as I was getting ready to sleep, I jumped up remembering that I promised to give mom a call to let her know that I finally made it to her the vacation destination she put me on, and I was going to officially start relaxing tomorrow. Then I told her how beautiful it was here, and that I really would have enjoyed it a lot more if she and my brothers would have joined me, but I told her I didn't want to stay on the phone long, because I was experiencing major jet lag from that hellaciously long flight, and all I wanted to do was sleep for maybe two whole days. I gave her a kiss, thru the phone and told her I loved her and hung up. 

I gave a slight sigh, then I got up and walked into the bathroom and decided to take a nice relaxing soak in the bath, before going to sleep because my ass was really dragging after that long and grueling flight, but Kc I had to admit was the best thing so far during my flight/vacation and I really wanted to see her and maybe even take her out for dinner and have some fun with her during my stay here. After soaking in the tub for a couple hours, then I slowly emerged from the tub, and grabbed a towel from the shelf, and dried off with it then I grabbed a second towel and wrapped it around my waist.

As my hair was drying by itself, I was brushing my teeth, and thinking about shaving, but I decided on waiting a couple more days for that job. After my hair was dry, I walked to my suitcase and pulled out my sleeping shorts, and removed the towel. Then I turned out all the lights and crawled in the bed, and after thinking about her for a while, I actually drifted off into a very nice and peaceful sleep. 

Three hours later, I was fully rejuvenated from the flight and was ready to do some exploring, but when I looked out the window I realized it was still nighttime. But I couldn't sleep so I turned on the television and watched a few black n white shows that were rather boring, as I pulled out a deck of playing cards and played a few hands of solitaire, after I got bored of that, I grabbed my hat from off the table and set it quite a ways from where I was sitting and mindlessly began to toss them just to see how many of them I could get into the hat, but beens I have been doing it my entire life, I never missed. After a while, all the cards were in the hat, and I felt like talking to someone, anyone...I grabbed my phone and almost called my mom, but I checked the time and quickly ended it because it was only 3:00 a.m. and I didn't want to wake anyone up from their beauty sleep.

I gave a devilish grin, and dialed my old buddy Stoney's number because his crazy ass was a lot like me, and usually up at all hours. After the third ring, I heard his crazy ass answering the phone with, "what in the hell did I want at this hour in the morning." "I snickered a little bit, as I asked him what in the hell was he doing still up?" He gave a deep sigh and said he was working on his new album and was on a hot streak and he didn't want to lose his vibe. He waited a while then asked what I was doing still up, I gave a sarcastic chuckle and said that I was always up even when I was on vacation, because I was suffering from insomnia again, and I was all alone with no one beside me, or to talk to, so I called him to keep me company until morning, so I could go enjoy my damn vacation.

Stoney laughed at me and asked me where in the hell was I this time, I told him somewhere in Tahiti, that my mother and brothers made me go because I was overworking myself, and it was driving them insane. Stoney chuckled thru the phone as he took a sip of his coffee, and said that was totally understandable, because he has only been talking to me for a few minutes, and I was driving him bonkers already. I laughed at him as I called him a demented bastard, he snarled at me thru the phone and said I could have left out the demented part, then asked me how long I would be gone, I breathed in and told him 3 weeks. It was now Stoney's turn to sigh, as he told me that it was nice to know that some guys could just take luxurious vacations around the world while others like himself had to stay stuck in his basement trying to earn a living. I burst out laughing and told him that next time I would drag his crazy ass along with me so I wouldn't be so lonely, then I told him bye. After we hung up with each other I looked out the window and watched as the sun began to rise.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now