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I stood there and panicked a little bit as he was crying hysterically, I tried handing him a toy and making silly faces at him, it wasn't until I picked him up that I realized that his pants were sopping wet, and dripping down his leg. I couldn't believe it, he was 2 years old and still wasn't potty broke. I rushed him into the bathroom and took his clothes off, and put him in the tub as I thought what I was going to do with him...because there was no way I was ready to become a single father, and I still wasn't sure if that old bastard wasn't pulling some kind of joke on me, and just wanting to ditch his mistake on me.

First thing was first, I went thru his two bags searching for some clothes, but there were none in the bags. I slapped my face as I blew raspberries, then looked down at the tiny tot, that was still sniffling a little bit, but at least he wasn't crying crazily. I looked thru the bags hoping to find some toddler diapers or training pull-ups but there wasn't a damn thing in the bags that were useful. So I grabbed one of my old shirts and tied it around him as a makeshift diaper until I could get the shit that he needed. Then I put another shirt on him, even though it looked like a nightie on him, then I strapped him in the car and headed for the nearest store. 

I carried him into the store and had no idea what to look for, I was looking at tiny tot, and looking at the thousands of different diapers on the shelves, I closed my eyes as I said I needed help. Just then a nice young lady with her 8-year-old daughter came up beside me and asked if she could help me out because I looked confused and frustrated. I smiled at her as I said please, because I was a first-time single dad, and was in desperate need of help with someone that knew what they were doing. As she saw the toddler in my arms with shirts wrapped around him as diapers, she giggled at me and asked if she could take him. I quickly handed him to her, as she told her daughter Nico to stay there until she got back from the bathroom.

Five minutes past and the lady came out with him in a diaper with the two shirts folded across her arm, she took my cart as I was know holding him again, and she began to grab all the necessities I would need to take care of him. Then she took me to the toddler section for clothes and began trying some of them on him after she got the right size, she told me what to look for. The lady asked me if I needed any more help before she did her shopping, I was a little embarrassed to ask her, but I asked her if there were specific foods that he would need because I knew nothing about raising a kid. She asked me how old he was, I told her he was 2 years old.

She took me to the food department and placed all the healthy and necessary foods in my cart for me. As I was at the checkout I thanked the nice lady again for all her help, I offered her some money for all her time she gave me, but she told me it wasn't necessary, then she wished me the best of luck, then just as soon as she was there, she and her adorable little girl was gone. I rolled the cart out to my car and tossed all the shit in the trunk, then as I reached in the cart and pulled the little tyke out of the cart he threw up all over the ground, at least he missed me and his new shirt, I grabbed a clean cloth out of the bag and cleaned his face up and asked him if he was alright. He looked up at me and gave a slight giggle and reached up for my face.

At that moment I just had to smile down at him, because he was so damned cute, and for the first time, I actually saw Kc in his eyes, and in his adorable actions. But I couldn't put him back in the car until I installed his booster seat that I got for the car, so while I was working on trying to figure out how to install it into my car tiny tot was sitting in the front seat playing with a stuffed monkey. After four hours of getting extremely pissed off at the damned thing, I think I finally got it installed successfully. I moved to the front seat and gently lifted him over the seat and placed him in his booster seat, then tried to snap him in, it took me twenty minutes to figure out how it hooked up. I finally got him hooked in his seat and was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, but he started whining, I stopped the car and quickly asked him what was wrong, he gave me a whimper, as he pointed to the seat. I looked down and saw the stuffed monkey laying in the seat. I gave him a little chuckle as I apologized to him, then handed him his toy.

I headed back to Serenity, when my phone went off, I gave a sigh, when I looked at my phone and saw it was Stoney I slowly answered it and asked him what in the hell did he want. Stoney chuckled and said that he was at my house waiting for me because we had a dinner date scheduled for this evening...I stopped the car and banged my head on the steering wheel a few times, as the lil man in the backseat, was giggling lightly at me...and told him that I was sorry I totally forgot about our dinner plans. Then I told him that I had a new semi-permanent problem that I was trying to take care of. Stoney heard the desperation in my voice and said he would be there waiting for me.

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