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It wasn't until later that night way after our pizza dinner that the doctor called me with the news that I was Jc's biological father, but he also had some bad news for me with Jc's bloodwork results. Right when he said bad news, my heart plummeted to the ground and I barely made it to my bed to sit down, I began to shake just a little bit as I asked him what was wrong with my son. The Dr remained silent for a long time, then told me it would be better if I came to the hospital in the morning with Jc, and he would explain it to me in person. I told him I couldn't handle waiting that long and I needed to know the truth right now!

The Dr gave me an insecure sigh and told me that Jc was tested positive for Leukemia and that he was born with it, and he also found that Jc has had treatments for it before because it was still in his bloodstream. Tears began to freefall from my face, and asked him what I had to do, and what could he do for my baby. The Dr told me that I needed to get him back into see him in the morning so he could get his treatments started back up immediately, because there was no way of knowing how long Jc's been without it, and it wasn't good for him. I told him very quickly that I would have him their first thing in the morning. Then I cleared my throat and asked him very painstakingly if my son was going to die from this disease.

The Dr said he wasn't going to lie to me, that it was a very serious disease...but a lot of children that suffer from this type of pediatric cancer has successfully beat the disease with the proper treatments, and complete TLC. I tried to keep myself calm as I told the Dr thanks, but right when I hung up the phone, I fell to the bed and cried hysterically at the thought of losing my little man after just finding out that he was really mine...then flashback's of my father dying in my arms kept racing thru my mind over and over again until I couldn't take it anymore and screamed at the top of my lungs, just wanting it all to be a nightmare, and that if I woke up it would be over with.

Jc heard me screaming, and crying from his bed and got scared, so he slid out of his bed and scampered into my room and came right up to the side of the bed where my head was hanging off the side, with my hands covering my face. Jc put his tiny fingers on mine and tried seeing my eyes in between my fingers, as he asked me if I was ok. I spread my fingers open so he could see me looking at him and gave him an insecure smile and rolled over and scooped him up into my arms and told him that I was going to be just fine, as long as he was there with me. Then I held him very close to my heart and kissed his little forehead over and over again.

After I realized that I woke him up from his sleep and noticed the time I quickly turned out the lights and just snuggled up with him and told him that we needed to get some sleep and that I was sorry for waking him up, Jc curled up under my arm and I held him right there with me all night without ever letting him go. As soon as my phone alarm went off letting me know it was 7:00, I hopped out of bed and kissed my little man on the forehead as he slept and got dressed, then I quietly and very carefully got him dressed and after I opened the doggie door and fed them and fed Lil Ham that was now over half grown Ham, I grabbed my car keys and headed straight for the Doctors.

I was glad that Jc stayed asleep during the entire trip so I could carry him into the office without him getting all scared and back into his hysterics like he did the other day, but at least I knew now why he hated the doctors so badly, because his mom had to take him for his chemo treatments and spinal taps and lumbar punctures and all the horrible shit that they did to my poor lil boy, while trying to save his life. Even after the doctor said he was more than hopeful that the treatments would cure him, I still couldn't hold in my deep sadness and despair for all the horrors my little boy would have to live with and remember for the rest of his life...if he lived long enough to experience life. That in itself was almost too much for me to bear, and I had tears off and on all that morning during Jc's appointment, even though after he woke up and took his treatments like a big boy, I had never felt so helpless in my life.

While he was taking his last treatment which was sitting in a huge chair as they gave him the chemo treatment, I was longing for Kc more than ever wishing she could be there to share my deep saddening emotions, and to help me with our son, so she could keep me strong. I shakingly reached in my shirt for my phone and started to dial my mom to tell her the good news about me being his daddy, but the very bad news about him having Leukemia, and I really needed my family with me to help me fight thru this, because I couldn't do it alone, and it was really tearing me up on the inside.

After my family got my message they were over at the hospital with me almost quicker than a lightning flash and giving me consoling hugs and tears of their own, telling me that we were all in this together, and we were going to fight for our little boy. My mom brightened up and said I finally gave her a grandbaby and she wasn't going to let him go ever, without a good fight. JD and Costa quickly agreed with her, and just moments later Bad To The Bone Stone, came in with his flashing hair and dark sunglasses on to hide his eyes from all the crying as soon as mama D told him, and gave me a hug.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now