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So I playfully put my finger to my mouth and asked Jc to be very quiet while I talked to my mom...he giggled lightly but rolled over on his back and stayed quiet as he stared up at me. Which made me smile and want to laugh, but I kept it together as I answered my phone and asked her how she was doing this morning. My mom told me that she was doing fine, but she was a little nervous when she ran into Stoney at Starbucks because he acted like he was really trying very hard to hide something from her. I closed my eyes and said Stoney was just a crazy ass and she didn't need to take anything he did or said seriously.

Jc was doing so good at being very quiet, but when Chicklet and Houdini started playing with him and licking him all over his giggling turned into loud laughing and squealing, I closed my eyes knowing that my mother definitely heard that, and got ready for the game of twenty questions...but in all reality it was just one question. My mom was very silent, then it came...she said Crisstopher was that a baby she was hearing in the background. I slapped my face and chuckled a little bit and told her yes it was because I knew it wasn't a good idea to ever lie to my mommy because she knew everything, and if she didn't...she would know very soon with or without me telling her.

My mother got very serious quickly and asked me what I was doing with a baby! But every time I tried explaining it to her, she would interrupt me and argue with me as I just listened. Finally, I got my words in and told her that he wasn't a little baby that he was two years old, and he was with me because he was my son as far as I knew, then I told her very quickly that I didn't want to explain it over the phone, and if she wanted to meet the little guy to come on over to the house, then I added to bring the two older brothers so they could meet him as well. Before she quickly hung up, she said when she got there I would have a whole lot of explaining to do. I snickered a little bit and told her that I loved her, then I hung up with her. I looked down at Jc and laughed at him and playfully called him a traitor for making all that noise, now my mommy was mad at me. Jc jumped off the floor and crawled up in my lap and out of nowhere said sorry daddy.

That was the first time he called me that and it was so great, it actually brought tears to my eyes, and I knew right then, that no matter what, I was keeping him. I gave him a kiss then pulled him down in my lap and tickled him, and blew raspberries on his tummy. After his little squeal session, we both heard the dogs barking and Richiardi baying at the door, Jc looked up at me and doggie's wanted outside. I stood up and lifted Jc onto my shoulder and carried him to the front door, and let him look thru the peephole to see who it was...he giggled and said lady and guys outside watching the door.

I snickered and said we should let them in because it was my mommy and two older brothers, he looked at me inquisitively, and I told him it was his grammie and two uncles. He looked out the peephole again and said he not see uncle Kwayton. I told him that they were his other uncles. I opened the door and welcomed them in after I told the dogs to shut up and get away from the door, JD looked at the bloodhound that was sniffing him, and asked me when I got the new dogs, I told him I was lonely and tired of coming home to an empty and quiet house, so I filled it with pattering feet, and some very loud barking and baying. Costa and my mom didn't notice the dogs, because they were too busy staring at the toddler that was on my shoulders, smiling at them.

Costa moved up to me first and held out his arms to him and said he so had to hold him and began asking all sorts of questions like how old was he and what was his name, and where did he come from, then asked if we were keeping him. I laughed at him as I asked him if he wanted to go to his uncle Costa. He was a little nervous but he held out his arms for Costa to take him. I sat down on the sofa as I was joined by my mom and brothers and I told them everything I knew about it. When I finished the story, what Klayton told me my mother would say, she said. She told me that I needed to have a paternity test done to make sure that someone wasn't playing me for a fool.

I looked over to where Jc was now sitting on his uncle JD's lap and touching his face, as I told her that I wasn't really sure if I cared if he was really mine or not, because I was heavily thinking about keeping him no matter, just because I was attached to him, and I knew he was Kc's baby, even if he wasn't mine, and she was gone...and Jc was all I had that was part her. Just to prove my point I grabbed my phone and pulled up my pictures that I had of Kc and me. After I showed my mom and brother's what she looked like, then I asked Jc to come to me so he could look at a picture. He scampered over to me and I pulled him into my lap and asked him if he knew this person...right when he saw the picture he said dat mommy!! very loudly then looked up at me and asked me where she was at. I gave him a hug and told him I didn't know because I wasn't ready to tell him that she was never coming back to be with him...or me.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now