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After my family stayed with me and visited with Jc, and I promised her that I would have the test done, but no matter what the results were Jc was going to be my son. My damned mind was made up right when he called me daddy. Even though I was hearing what JD was saying about me trying to be a single father and keeping my career in full swing, it was definitely going to be a challenge, but I didn't have the heart to let that little boy down, especially when he had a bond with me already.

They all gave me a hug and said bye, but Costa added that he would be back to see his little nephew very soon because he was just too damn cute to ignore or stay away from for very long. I gave him a smile and told him I knew that was right because I found myself thinking the same thing every time I wasn't in the same room as him. After they left Jc looked up at me and said where family go, then said go bye bye. I told him that they went back to their homes, but they would be back soon to see him again. Jc jumped off the couch and ran to the stairs and crawled up the stairs wanting to get some of his toys from his room. I followed him up the stairs, and went into the bedroom with him and dropped on the floor and decided to play with him for a while.

We both were wrapped up in playing cars, that I didn't hear the doorbell. But Richiardi did and his baying alarm went off which it could be heard thru the entire house I told Jc to wait there and I would be right back, I quickly slid down the banister and ran to the door with Houdini following right beside me. Before I opened the door his hair bristled straight up, and he began to growl lightly. I looked thru the peephole and saw Belinda standing there. I looked down and told him good dog, then I opened the door and asked her what she wanted. She wrapped her arms around me and began tearing up saying how much she's missed me and wanted to come back to me where she belonged.

I mindlessly pushed her off of me and told her that I didn't have time for her bullshit because I had a new love and responsibility, and she wasn't part of it. She looked at me and asked why then she got all defensive and asked me what kind of bitch I had in the house with me now!! I got very serious with her and told her any damned bitch I wanted, and she just needed to want on dream on and move on, because I was done with her slutty two-timing ass. Then just to add to my own self-irony, I turned around and slammed my door in her face, and ran up the stairs to get back to my serious playing with my lil man. Belinda stayed at the door for a while then called me a no account dirty son of a bitch then she moved to the window and hollered up at me calling me an asshole, then she slammed on her horn then peeled out of my driveway leaving black marks as she left.

Jc looked at me and asked who dat was, I gave him a silly face and said that was what I called a wicked witch from the west, and that if he ever saw her, he needed to take a bucket and toss water all over her so she would melt away into the ground. Jc looked at me and said okay, as he gave me a hi-five. Jc got tired of playing cars and wanted me to read to him as he was getting ready for naptime. He was such a good boy, I didn't have to tell him when naptime was because he told me when his naptime was. Chicklet was Jc's official sleeping partner always staying in his room with him. I asked him what story he would like me to read to him.

Jc crawled out of bed and went to his bookshelf that Uncle Klayton installed for him, and he grabbed the book of Grimm Fairy Tales because he wanted me to read Hansel & Gretel to him, because it was one of his favorites, that his mommy used to read to him. I gave him a smile and told him to hop in and I would read it to him. Jc grabbed his stuffed bunny as he snuggled under his blankets and petted Chicklet with his feet. I sat down in the bean bag chair and began to read him the story, I made it to the middle of the book when he konked out like a light. I marked the page I stopped on, then turned off the lights and gave him a kiss on his forehead, then shut the door partially, then headed downstairs to do a little workout and clean the kitchen.

When I finished with everything, I went upstairs to check on him, and he was still asleep, so I went to my room and laid down and grabbed my phone and called the doctor's office and asked them if I could make an appointment for a paternity test. I told them the situation and they said that I could come in anytime to have that done. I also thought about it for a while and asked them if I could make an appointment for him as well just to make sure there was nothing medically wrong with him beens that damned old man didn't give me any of his medical papers or even a birth certificate. The doctor thought on it and said if I was paying cash for the visit he would accept him no matter. I thanked him and told him that I wanted the whole nine yards done on him, just to be on the safe side and that I would definitely be paying with cash. After I hung up with him, I laid back in the bed and drifted off for my short catnap.

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