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As the months passed by like water in a flowing stream, I found myself taking more and more time off of my work and spending it with my son and family, his daily treatments were becoming very hectic for me, and I was beginning to feel the depression that Kc must have felt handling it during his entire infancy without me being there with her for support, but the treatments were helping him, the Dr told me on his last treatment visit, that his cancer was in total remission, and I could take it just a little bit easier now. But I still needed to bring him for his treatments so we could make sure that it stayed in remission.

Jc was becoming such an energetic little guy, that sometimes I just couldn't keep up with him, and I was in excellent shape, but I wasn't in the greatest shape mentally, or emotionally. I was still mourning the loss of Kc, I tried getting back in the dating game to find Jc a potential mom to help me out a little bit, but as soon as I told them I was a single father to a special needs toddler, they all flew the coop on me lickity split. But I didn't really care, because I had my mom and brothers, and Stoney was now basically living at my house because he really imprinted on Jc. I thought it was the cutest thing ever, Stoney being such a badass was finally overpowered by a toddler...and Stoney never really liked kids that much, and when I brought it up to him, he said Jc was his only exception.

I went back to the doctor, after I settled down, and asked him if there was any way he could find Jc's birth certificate and medical history from the other hospital, where he was born, which was in Tahiti. The Dr said if I knew the name of the area in Tahiti that he could send for his records, but as far as a birth certificate he wasn't sure, he changed the subject and asked me where his mother was, because it would be better if she was here as well been she was with him from the beginning of his treatments. 

I gave him a long sigh and told him that I was told that she died, that's why Jc came to me in the first place, but it was just hear say that I didn't know for sure if she was in fact, truly dead. The Dr looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me and asked me if I knew her full name, and he could check it out real fast to see if she was signed out as dead. I shook my head and told him all I knew was her name was Kc, and I quickly added that I had several pictures of her, maybe he could get information on her by her picture, and first name. I pulled my phone out for him to take the best closeup picture of her that I had, then he ran it and her first name thru his computer that was linked to the worldwide net, and within an hour there was a match with the facial recognition.

The Dr showed me what he found with the imaging, right when I saw her picture on the screen I told him that was her! The dr read the information on the girl and told me that Kc must have been her nickname because it shows on the file that her name is Kaylani Collins. I listened to the name and told the dr that Kc was her initials, but it was definitely her. The dr kept reading on the files and looked up at me with a million dollar smile and told me that she wasn't dead, she was in the hospital off and on, but she was alive. I jumped up with a new burst of excitement and asked him if there was any way he could find out where she was, and if he could somehow get a hold of her, because it was her bastard father that came to me and dropped Jc off on my doorstep and told me that she was dead!

The dr said he would do everything he could, I thanked him very much, then ran out of the room because Jc and my family were all getting restless in the waiting room, and Jc just wanted to go home and go to his room and take a nap, because my little man was getting cranky, and so was Stoney because he hated hospitals more than all of us put together, and he was starving but that wasn't new Stoney was always hungry. I gave my mom a hug and whispered in her ear that Jc's mom wasn't dead, that the dr found her with his computer. I told her she could relay the message to my brothers but I didn't want Jc to know until I found her, and somehow got her here, with us where she belonged.

My mom gave us all a hug, then gave her grandson a kiss and got in Costa's car as they headed back to their house. Stoney was now half-ass snoozing in the passenger seat as I drove us back to Serenity. Jc was looking at me from the back seat with the most adorable smile as he was playing with his stuffed toy. I pulled up in the drive and got Jc unbuckled then I tapped Stoney to let him know that we were at the house, he looked up and told me to carry him. Jc crawled to my back, as I grabbed Stoney and comically carried him to the house, as Jc was giggling the entire way. 

Stoney pushed the door open, as I asked him if he wanted me to carry him across the threshold. He looked up at me and gave me a playful kiss on the cheek and said he could manage from there. Then he jumped down and grabbed his nephew and ran up the stairs with him so they could play a little, before snuggling up in Stoney's room and watching Godzilla before bedtime. Me I went straight to the shower, then laid in the bed and thought of finding and bringing Kc back home where she belonged. I even had dreams of her, along with a nightmare that woke me up in cold sweats and crying, it made me run into the other room just to make sure it wasn't true.

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