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It's been well over a year now since that magical vacation I shared with Kc, and I still thought only about her, it was really beginning to drive me insane, even though I did finally come around to have a somewhat sleazy relationship with a girl just to pass the time, I didn't care for her at all. Stoney finally found someone that would put up with his crazy ass, from one of the clubs we went to, her name was Chelsea, I knew it wasn't going to last though, because she was the type of girl that loved him and his brother, and all of his friends at the same time if they'd let her, she gave a new meaning of the words free and easy.

Not that I was worried because Stoney was well aware of how she was already...and said that he would play for a while then toss her out like he usually did until he found the right girl. I was beginning to grow out my hair again because I was getting bored of the short shit I had. Plus for some reason, most of the ladies loved it when my hair was longer. I was getting ready for my afternoon show when I was blessed by my old buddy Sully gracing me with his presence...he and his ole lady that he's been married to for almost two years now, her name was Sandy, and she was almost or just as wild as he was. 

After another major and successful performance, it was almost midnight, and I was totally exhausted from extreme lack of sleep in the last 72 hours. I gave Sully and Sandy a hug and apologized to them for not hanging with them long, but the only partying I wanted to do for the rest of the night was with my pillow. Sandy gave me a hug and said that was a good idea because I was beginning to look like one of the walking dead. I gave her a smile as I gave Sully a hi-five and told him I would catch them later. I made it to my store and locked everything up instead of asking my brothers to do it for me, then I walked out of the Luxor and headed to Serenity for a nice long and relaxing nap, hopefully.

I made it home, where my new furbabies met me at the door, I named the bloodhound Richiardi, the Rottie Houdini, and the Shepard I named Chicklet. They all got along great with lil Ham, after I gave them all some loving and fed them, I bent down and picked lil Ham up and carried him to the bedroom, and got out of my clothes, turned on the radio, and snuggled up with lil Ham on my chest, and closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but shortly after I closed my eyes, all three dogs jumped in bed with us and went to sleep all around me, it did make me feel better knowing that I wasn't all alone, even though none of them filled the emptiness I had for Kc.

When I passed out, I really passed out, because the next time I opened my eyes it was after 10:00 the next morning, I flew out of bed wondering what happened to me that I didn't wake up, but deep down I knew why, because I hadn't slept in a long time. lil Ham was purring loudly while rubbing around my ankles, I picked him up and kissed his head, and told him that I would get his breakfast. Richiardi was outside baying very loudly, for he was the only dog I knew that didn't know how to just bark, and man was he loud, but hearing it was so silly and full of character, he was a real hound dog.

I poured the kibble into their bowls and they all flew thru the dog door I installed for them, and after they gave me their morning lovings they went to their bowls and cleaned them up rather quickly. I headed upstairs to get dressed when I heard my doorbell ringing, which also set off Richiardi, he was baying like crazy and man was he long-winded. I quickly slid my shoes on and ran to the front door, after I told the dogs to be quiet, and to stay. But when I tried to open the door, all the dogs tried running me over, so I hollered thru the door and told whoever it was to give me a minute until I put the dogs in the back yard. So I fought with the dogs until I got them out the back door one at a time and shut the dog door down so they couldn't beat me back to the front door, and walked back to the front of the house toward the front door.

I opened the door and saw an older man standing at the door telling me that he brought something for me and that I needed to listen well because he was only going to say it once, then he was going to be gone. I sat down in one of the chairs and asked him who he was, and what he wanted. The man stood there and said that he was from Tahiti, and he came all the way here to drop off my son, because he no longer had a mother, and he didn't want anything to do with the bastard child. I shook my head very quickly and told him that he was mistaken because I didn't have any kids.

The man jumped in my face and said that Kc was his daughter, and when I was there on vacation I knocked her up, and when he tried to force his daughter to get rid of the bastard kid instead of keeping it she put her foot down and kept it instead, now that the boy was 2 years old, Kc was dead, and the brat was now my responsibility. I stood there in emotional despair and total loss for words when he told me that Kc was dead, then he went to the taxi and pulled out the toddler and two duffle bags as soon as he reached the porch he dropped both of them at my doorstep and hopped into the taxi and was gone, with me left standing looking down at the crying toddler.

👣MY GREATEST MISTAKE👣 {A Criss Angel Fanfic.}Where stories live. Discover now