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I finally made it to my parking lot, and slowly slid out of my car, where I was welcomed by Houdini and Richiardi. I looked around wondering if Stoney was going to come out to see what I was talking about because he just wasn't going to believe the new problem I was going to be stuck with for a very long time. Unless I found out that the toddler wasn't mine, then I would figure something else out, because if he wasn't mine, there wasn't really any reason for me to keep him...except that one tiny fact, that I was really getting to like his cute n chubby cheeks.

I popped the trunk open and pulled out all of the bags of groceries that I bought for him, then I looked in the back seat to see he was sound asleep, hugging his stuffed monkey. I gave a slight smile and told Houdini to look after him until I got back from hauling the groceries into the house. Stoney was sitting on the sofa in the living room when I dumped all the stuff out on the dining table then told him that I would be back as soon as I got my last bit of cargo. Stoney got up and began rifling thru the bags, then gave a wondrous look as he pulled out a bag of Huggies training underpants. He looked further into the bags and saw binkies, toddler food, clothes, and toys. He scratched his head and when he heard me come back inside he hollered at me and asked me jokingly what I was doing starting a toddler daycare, or was I planning on adopting.

I came in holding the sleeping tiny tot as I told him to keep it down, so he wouldn't wake up the little guy. Stoney removed his sunglasses, and asked me what in the hell was I doing with a toddler, and who did he belong to. After I gently laid him on the couch, I told him that I guessed he was mine according to the old man that brought him to me from Tahiti. I was told that he belonged to me, that during my vacation I got Kc pregnant, and she decided to keep him instead of giving him up, but then very recently she was killed, and now the child was my problem. Stoney looked at me and asked if I had a paternity test done. I gave him a dumbass stare and told him that I just got him today, and already spent over 2,000 dollars on him, and none of it was for a doctors visit.

Stoney looked closely at the tiny tot and said he did look a lot like me with the dark hair and eyes. Then he looked up at me and asked me what the kid's name was, I looked at him blankly as I told him I had no idea, that the old bastard didn't tell me anything about him. Stoney chuckled lightly and said that the kid couldn't go thru life nameless. I grabbed Stoney and told him to help me get everything ready for him while he was asleep. Stoney grabbed the bags of clothes and asked me what room I was going to use as the squirts room. I told him the one closest to my bedroom.

So while I was making him some dinner, Stoney was upstairs making a lot of noise while setting up the bedroom to make it toddler safe. After I was done cooking, I placed it on the table, then I reached over and grabbed the booster seat, that I bought and attached it to the chair. I went to the fridge and poured some juice into a sippy cup, and placed it next to his plate of food. 

Stoney came down the stairs with a lot of empty boxes and bags and said the toddler room was ready. I walked into the living room where he was still sound asleep on the couch with Houdini and Richiardi sleeping right beneath him on the floor. I gently gave him a sliding touch as he woke up, and he looked up at me with such lost and emotional eyes and sat up looking around looking for someone, but when all he saw was me and Stoney he began crying. Stoney went over to him and sat down and pulled him on his lap and asked him what was the matter with the little man. He looked up at Stoney's hair and studied it for a while, then garbled out "want mommie."

Stoney gave him a hug and told him that mommy wasn't around, but he didn't have to be scared because his daddy and his silly ass uncle was right here for him. He looked up at him and offered him his binky. Stoney being Stoney, he grabbed the binky with his lips and sucked on it playfully as he thanked him, then he handed it back to him, and asked him if he was hungry, because his daddy got him some grub all ready for him. He shook his head yes as he grabbed his stuffed monkey. Stoney handed him to me as I carried him to the dining room and hooked him into his booster seat.

Stoney and I sat down on each side of him, as we watched him eat, someone took the time and taught him how to use a fork, and manners, he ate first then when he finished eating he drank some of the juice from his sippy. I rubbed his head and asked him what his name was, he looked up at me then over at Stoney and said he was Jc. But with his garbled toddler talk, I first thought he said Jason, but he kept saying, Jc, until Stoney figured it out. After we got his name down, I asked him if he was ready to get ready for bedtime, because I wasn't sure what time toddlers went to bed, and it was 7:00 p.m. and I did need to give him a bath, and put him into a pair of his new pj's. Jc looked up at me then slowly yawned a few times, and laid his head on the table wanting to sleep right then. Stoney went up the stairs and prepared his bath for him as I got him out of that damn contraption I hooked him in, then carried him up the stairs to the bathroom and got him out of his new clothes, and gently plopped him into the tub. Stoney knelt down and told me to let him do it, as he reached over for the little duckie scrubby and washed him up.

I had a towel open and ready for Stoney to toss him to me, so I could quickly dry him off, as Stoney grabbed his pj's and had them ready for him to step into, then he zipped him up. I carried him to his new bedroom and gently laid him in his brand new toddler bed. Stoney tucked him in as I handed him his stuffed monkey. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, as Stoney turned on his night light. Chicklet went into the room and laid down at the foot of his bed, as I shut the door slightly then went to bed myself. Stoney went to his room he always had when he decided to crash, and went to sleep.

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